58. Graffiti

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We walked through the long corridors and checked the rooms to see many abandoned beds and surgery supplies. There were scalpels of different sizes and many different tools, that I simply couldn't name.

The first floor had mostly beds and all that meaningless stuff, that was left behind, but as we walked higher up, the rooms seemed better and better, as if they were meant for richer people. Well, you can imagine as good as they could be, being abandoned for many years.

Blake led me to the top floor, where each room had a balcony. For being an abandoned building, it sure as hell still looked amazing.

We walked inside a particular room, that still looked pretty decent and Blake encouraged me to sit on the black couch that was in the room and I noticed that this room didn't have bed.

"Where's the bed?" I asked Blake, looking around.

"I moved it to a different room and these couches I brought to make this room... I don't know, homier, I guess," he shrugged his shoulders and looked around.

"You know, for an abandoned building, this place looks really good," I gave an observation and heard him humming in agreement.

I heard shuffling and saw him opening his bag and taking some stuff out. There were spray-paint cans in different colors.

"So, do you want to begin?" He asked me, making me jump up from the couch immediately.

"Bring it on!" I roared and jumped towards the cans, grabbing the brown one.

I saw him wincing at the surprise of my loud noise, but it seemed that he enjoyed my excitement.

I walked up to the wall, that was facing the couches and started drawing lines from the very bottom. Blake walked up to me from behind and put his head on my shoulder.

"What are you drawing?" He murmured in my shoulder.

"A tree," I answered drawing another line.

"May I help?" He asked me and I stopped my movement. Help? This might actually be fun.

"Sure," I threw him a smile over my shoulder.

He retreated away from me and I turned around to see him shuffling around his duffle bag. I saw him taking out black, white and different shades of green and not long after that, he must have sensed that I was looking at him, as he turned to face me and gave me a genuine smile, not one of his usual smirks.

I smiled back at him and he stood up and walked towards me, dropping all cans, but the black one.

"So, are you going to stare at me all day, or shall we continue?" He asked me, his arrogant self returning.

Should I snap at him, ignore him or do something that he won't expect?

If I snapped at him, he would probably laugh, because i would be denying the truth, if I remained silent, he would've assumed that I've taken defeat and still laugh, but if I did something unexpected, then he wouldn't be able to form a coherent answer.

"I'm sorry, it's just that you have such a hot body, that I couldn't help my curious eyes. When your muscles flexed, while you were picking up the paint," I rolled my eyes up, exaggerating my attraction, "I just wanted to see more of you."

Blake stared at me with eyes open wide and almost dropped his can, before I caught it at the last second.

"I think that I've managed to finally shut you up," I laughed, which brought him out of whatever trance he was in.

He narrowed his eyes and lunged at me, making me drop balance and fall backwards. I was fully expecting to feel pain, but instead I landed with my chest on something hard and warm.

I opened my eyes and saw Blake in pain with his eyes closed.

"Oh god! Are you alright?" I asked him and he just winced and nodded his head.

"I...," he started with his voice laced in pain, "could really use that kiss now."

I rolled my eyes and stood up from him, dusting my pants off the dirt.

"Funny," I hissed and he started chuckling.

"Do you mind helping me up?" He asked me lifting his head up to have a better look at me.

"Yeah, I mind," I answered and turned around to continue painting the tree.

I had managed to draw a few lines, when I realized, that Blake hadn't gotten up. What if he really can't get up?

I turned around once again and saw him laying still on the floor with his eyes closed and a smile tracing his lips.

"Are you going to lay there forever?" I snapped at him and he nodded his head.

"I really can't get up," he shrugged and I groaned. Do I really have to help him up?

I walked towards him and put my hands on my hips. "If you're playing with me right now, I will have your balls chopped off and served to you as a dinner."

He didn't seem fazed by my speech so I gave him my hand and once he got hold of it, he dragged me down on him once again. I hissed from the sudden impact and saw him looking at me with his annoying smirk. When I tried to get up, he sneaked his hands around my waist and hugged me closer to him.

"I want you..." he whispered looking at my face and then at my lips, "I want you to give me that kiss."

"What if I don't give you any?" I asked him out of breath from our proximity.

"Then you aren't getting anywhere," he simply answered.

I tried to wiggle out of his hold, but he didn't even once show any kind of struggle on his face, pointing out that he was struggling to hold me down. Nothing. Not even a flexed muscle on his neck. Am I really that weak?

"You can try as much as you want but the only way you're getting out of here, is if you're giving me that kiss, that I've asked you," he told me with amusement.

"I'm shy," I whispered and his gaze softened as he rolled us over, trapping me under him.

"You don't have to be shy around me," he softly said, stroking my face, "I like every single thing about you."

I closed my eyes and smiled. His deep breaths echoed through my ears and I started breathing at the same pace as him.

"Do you want me to kiss you?" He asked me, causing me to open my eyes and see him watching closely for any kinds of signs that I do or don't.

I thought about it and finally came to an answer that told the truth. "I do," I answered.

He gave me his warmest smile, that showed his dimples and I melted under him. I watched him slowly leaning closer to my face and he softly pressed his lips against mine in a loving kiss. I felt his emotions expressed through this kiss and a single tear escaped my eye.

Once we were both out of breath, he leaned back and looked at me with a slightly worried expression. "Are you crying? I'm sorry, I thought that..."

"No, it's ok. I am just starting to really really like you," I interrupted him, before he came to any wrong conclusions. His only answer was his brightening smile and I couldn't help but to smile with him.

He looked around us and quickly stood up, dragging me with him. "We should finish the drawing, before it becomes dark."

I agreed and we spent the rest of the time chatting about things that we both like and finishing up the tree, that ended up looking absolutely breathtaking.

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