93. Goodbye

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I froze in fear, my senses completely numbing in panic.

"I've been waiting to do this for a very long time," a familiar voice said.

My friends turned around to face me and looked at the man behind me with horror in their eyes. I could see the wheels in their heads turning, trying to figure out a solution.

"Get in the car and drive off," the man commanded my friends, but they stayed rooted in their spots.

"First you have to let Hailey go," Rylee was the first to break out of her panicked state.

I heard the man sighing behind my back and pressing the knife deeper against my skin.

"I don't understand why you guys never listen to me on the first time. Honestly... do you want me to kill all of you or will you go away and let me deal with Hailey alone?" The man said behind me. I felt blood dripping from my new bruise and I hissed when the guy pressed the knife even deeper into my skin. "She's a nobody. Don't waste my time and your life's on her."

"He's right," I hissed out. "Go. You know what I want you to do with my dead body."

I saw tears streaming from my friends eyes. I've never seen Rylee crying and I hated to be the reason she has to cry.

"I love you," I said as my goodbye.

"We can't leave you," Savannah said hoarsely.

"You don't have a choice," I made out and she winced.

They all backed up to the car and once inside, they turned on the car and sped past us, leaving me with the psycho.

"Finally," he made out, "although it's a shame that I didn't get to kill them too."

I shivered, "can we get this over with?"

"Aren't you supposed to beg for your life and say that you still haven't accomplished anything and yada yada?" The guy asked and I shook my head.

"What's the point? If you made an effort to come after me, then why would you have any desire to let me go?" I asked him.

"You're good!" He chuckled and let me go.

I turned around to see who he was and instead of satisfying my curiosity, I got myself a heart attack.

The man in front of me had a mask of a bunny, it's wide black eyes stared at me like pools of endless darkness and its mouth was formed in a wide smirk with sharp teeth.

"You're the guy, that killed that family," I whispered out to myself.

"What? Do you want an autograph?" He asked me.

"I want to know why are you targeting me," I said and he started laughing like a maniac.

"Remember Bob?" He asked me and licked his knife, that had some of my blood on it.

Bob? The guy from the gang, that tried to make me a human slave?

"From the gang?" I asked him.

"Exactly. Aren't you a little sharp tool from the shed," he cooed. "That guy was my brother."

"What do you mean, was?" I asked him and he froze.

"He didn't tell you, did he?" The guy asked and I was about to ask him, but he spoke first. "Your boyfriend killed my brother after he went after you. Shot him in the head and left him on the side of the road like some kind of animal."

"Well, I had no idea that Blake did that, but honestly your brother deserved it. But what does it have to do with me?" I asked the guy. It was hard to wrap my head around the fact, that Blake murdered somebody for hurting me, but based on the fact that he's going to become a mafia leader, I am starting to realize that this is exactly what he's going to do for the rest of his life. Killing people and all kinds of other illegal stuff.

"Everything. If you hadn't walked into that fucking park, then my brother would have never met you and would be still alive," he took my arm harshly and shook me. "You're the fault of all of this and I can't wait to slice you up with my knife."

"Do it!" I finally said, surprising myself and the guy. "Stop talking about it and finally do it!"

"With pleasure," he gave me his nastiest smirk and pressed the knife deep inside my abdomen. It all happened so fast, that my knees gave up and I fell to the ground. Sudden brightness blinded me.

Is this what heaven is like?

And the light disappeared, leaving me in the darkness. I closed my eyes as looking around was becoming challenging. I came back to my senses and heard shouting and lots of grunting, but I felt too weak to focus on what's happening, so instead I listened to the calm flow of the water.

It's so strange... I wanted to leave my life behind and to live with my mom in England, but now I don't even have to move anywhere. I'm going to die here and at least I won't have to go through the painful goodbyes.

Suddenly I felt arms wrapping around me and shouting something, but I left my eyes closed. The person holding me was clearly distressed and desperate to get something out of me, but I was too weak to respond.

Despite the pain and the uneasiness, I felt that if I was gone, I would leave Blake without the knowledge of my true feelings. I collected the last pieces of my strength and whispered.

"Tell Blake that I still love him."


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