14. Insanity

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And of course our moment was interrupted by his phone and he immediately jerked away, taking it out.

"We should go," he muttered.

And this was the moment my heart broke into million pieces. He undoubtedly regrets it. I shouldn't have given in to him easily. I was probably just like any other girl to him something to easily forget. I felt like crying, but I didn't want to be seen weak by anyone, so I just kept quiet.

"What's wrong?" He asked concerned.

I shook my head, telling him I'm fine.

"I don't regret it, if you're worried about that," he muttered taking my hands in his again.

I looked up to see if he was lying and surprisingly he wasn't. His eyes seemed so genuine and he wasn't looking at me with his usual smirk. "This was the best kiss I've ever had," he smiled.

"You do know that that thing wasn't a kiss, more like a brush of lips, right?" I asked almost laughing. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.

He gasped. "How dare you! I put my heart and soul in the kiss."

"Sorry," I apologized smirking at him.

"Apology not accepted," he said crossing his arms.

"Ermmm... ok," I said turning to face the boat approaching our island.

"What? You're not even going to ask how you could make up to me?" He gasped in surprise.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Because you hurt me?" He pouted.

"Oh, ok. How can I make up to you?" I asked super sweetly.

He smiled and pointed his index finger to his lips. "A kiss will suffice."

I leaned in and put a gentle kiss on his pouty lips.

"You call that a kiss?" He asked.

I faked hurt. "I put my whole heart and soul in this small kiss, you cave man," I used his own words against him.

"You're not playing fair," he pouted.

"Never promised I would," I smirked climbing on the boat and leaving him standing there.


"This was probably the most fun I've had in years," Seb said stopping his car in front of my house.

"Me too," I sighed, a small smile gracing my lips. "We should prank people more often," I laughed. "If I make it out of this alive, of course."

"We will," he promised.

"See you at school," I said walking out of his car. And of course I heard the car door opening.

"I'll walk you to the door," he said and I shrugged my shoulders.

As soon as he said that, our front door opened and a fuming Derek started marching towards us.

"Seb? You better run," I whispered.

He looked at me and ran back to his car driving away.

"Hailey! I have been expecting you. If you try to run, I'll find you and kill you anyways, so I suggest you just stop and take the easy way," he growled causing me to gulp in nervousness.

"Der-boy!" I tried to greet him with love, ending up digging my grave even deeper.

"DER-BOY?" He asked fury in his voice.

"Listen... i love you and I know that somewhere deep inside that heart of yours, you love me too, so please forgive me in advance," I said.

"Don't you dare!" Derek shouted but unfortunately for him, I was already on the run towards our house. I ran up the stairs and locked myself in my bedroom. He started banging against my door and shouting me to open them, before he broke it down.

But I've done this for years. He just needs to calm down overnight and in the morning we'll be back to trying to find news ways to destroy each other. And if that doesn't work, I'm certain that my mom will talk some sense to him, before he kills me.


Stacy's calling...

I groaned picking up the phone. What's in her head at freaking 8:00 o'clock in the morning?

I picked up the phone to hear her nervously breathing on the other line.


"Hailey, I'm so worried."

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"I don't think that I'm good enough for Jonah," she sighed sadness clear in her voice.

"What the hell, Stacy!" I exclaimed a little bit too harsh.

"Listen, we went on a date and he was perfect. He kissed me and said that he enjoyed our date, but then I realized that he's too cool for someone like me..."

"Are you freaking serious? I had to make a freaking deal with Seb to give you a chance with the guy you've been crushing on afar and now you're just throwing it all away, because you realized that you're not good enough for him?" I fumed in anger. "You still owe me those pizzas and ice cream."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I just have to avoid him in school and I'm sure that he'll take the hint and eventually will find someone else," she sighed at the last part.

"Who knows, maybe I'll take him away from you, he's such a cute guy," I smiled mischievously trying to make her jealous.

"You will do no such thing or I won't talk to you for a year," she snapped.

"Fine, Fine!" I laughed.

"I've got to go. Thanks for listening to me Hailey," she said.

"You're welcome! Bye," and with that our conversation ended.

"Who's a cute guy?!" I heard someone growl in my room. It almost sounded like Seb.

"Get out of my head!" I hissed.

"I will, as soon as you tell me who's the cute guy," he said again.

"You should know, I was talking to you entire time," I said frustrated. I can't believe my mind is talking to me right now. It feels so realistic. Maybe I've finally gone insane.

"What..." the voice started, but I interrupted it.

"Listen, I might have gone insane, but I'm really tired, so could you just keep quiet for a while, so I can go to sleep, thank you," and with that I fell back on my bed and snuggled my face into the pillows.

"What the hell," someone muttered again. I've finally gone insane. It was expected with everything that's happening around me.

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