81. Making new plans

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"What do you want for birthday?" Savannah asked me and I shrugged. I didn't want anything, but I knew that they'd buy me something anyways.

"For the spring to come faster," I replied and Savannah narrowed her eyes at me.

"Sure," Rylee said, without sarcasm.

"Maybe something a little more realistic?" Savannah asked me and I looked around.

"You know how I feel about presents. I'd rather spend your time not your money," I argued and Savannah's shoulders slumped.

"You know that we're going to spend time with you," she pointed out.

"Exactly! And that is all that I wish for."

"Does Blake know about your birthday?" Rylee asked curiously, while munching on her burger.

"I haven't told him and I don't plan to. The last time he bought me something, he spent a great amount of money."

It was already February and I was born on the 13 February. I love it that it's day before Valentines, as I can always see red hearts and valentines themed gifts. Some people think that I'm unlucky to be born day before Valentines, as other people wouldn't remember my birthday and are more excited about the celebration of love, instead of my birth, but I disagree with them. People always congratulate me and it's fun to celebrate two days in a row.

"What are you girls talking about," I felt a hand resting around my shoulders and squeezed me towards somebody.

"Nothing," I replied too quickly and gave my friends a look that told them to shut up.

"Then you wouldn't mind me stealing you away, would you?" He asked me and I saw Rylee smirking.

"No, she wouldn't mind. We were actually going," she said, before grabbing Savannah's hand and going away.

Blake turned me around to face him and kissed my forehead, "I missed you," he muttered.

I just hummed enjoying myself in his arms. "What did you want?" I asked him and he didn't reply.

"Blake?" I asked him again and he just muttered a faint what.

"I asked you a question," I reminded him, getting frustrated.

"Did you now?" He asked lazily.

Ok, that's enough of his lazy ass.

I pushed him away and he stumbled a bit back, clearly surprised at my action. "What did you want?" I asked him again, this time, he was clear of any distractions.

His face formed into one of a love struck pup and he walked towards me, cupping my face with his huge palms. "You're so beautiful, god, how is wish to tie you down to myself and drag you around in my arms."

I narrowed my eyes, ignoring his words. He was avoiding my question. "If you haven't come here for a reason, then I'll return to my friends," I was about to turn around, but Blake frowned and grabbed my waist, trapping me in his arms.

"I just wanted to tell you something," he finally confessed. "I will go to Italy next weekend."

I frowned at his words. Ok Saturday is my birthday, he's not going to make it.

Hold on a sec...

That's exactly what I wanted, isn't it? For him to not know about my birthday. But a feeling of disappointment overcame me and I tried as hard as I could to mask my emotions.

"Oh, that's great!" I cheered and saw him looking at me as if he was analyzing me.

"You're fine with it? I can stay, if you don't want me to go," he tried to make sure I was okey with it. As selfish as it makes me, I wanted to tell him to stay, but instead I did the right thing.

"Don't be silly. Go. I'm sure that I'll be fine I without you, besides I know how much you miss that place. And I have my friends, I'm sure that I'll forget that you're gone," I said the last part with a slight amusement in my voice.

I could clearly see that he didn't like the part, where I told him that I'd forget him. "Naha," he shook his head. "I will call you, I won't give you a chance to forget me."

"Why does this sound like we're already saying goodbye?" I asked him and he scrunched up his nose in a frown.

"I hate goodbyes, especially the ones with you," nuzzled his nose into my neck, "I won't say goodbye. It's pretty pointless- we're anyway going to get back together no matter what."

He planted a small kiss on my neck and bit my skin gently. I grabbed on his arms with my hands and squeezed them to hold myself together.

"Do you want to come with me?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"No, I've already got plans," I explained my voice huskier than normal.

"With girls?" He asked and I nodded my head. "Keep your plans unoccupied for the Valentine's Day. I'm spending it with you."

A warmth spread through me and I smiled. "And I was planning on eating a bunch of ice cream and watching Friday the thirteenth."

He was silent for a minute, until he leaned back to look into my eyes, with his brown ones, "Well, I guess that we could do that together."

I looked at his lips, suddenly feeling as if his gaze was hypnotizing me, "if you'll buy me something expensive for the Valentines, I'll dump you and get back together with Seb."

Hurt and anger washed over his features and I immediately regretted my words, "if you get back together with him, I'll kill him right in front of your eyes. You're mia regina. I don't think that you realize that you're stuck with me."

"It was just a joke," I fought back, "but the meaning wasn't. I won't speak to you, if you buy me something expensive once again."

Blake sighed and slid his gingers through my hair, tightening his fists with chunks of my hair in them. It wasn't painful, but it kept me from moving. He then crushed his lips against mine and his hands still in my hair, he pulled my face closer to his.

Our tongues danced, fighting for dominance and he obviously won. When I was about to faint from the lack of air, Blake pulled back and bit my lower lip.

I used this opportunity to take in big gulps of air, just in case he was going to repeat the stunt. "When you speak about Sebastian, I just want to kill him. I can't control these emotions that I'm having- this jealousy and possessiveness. When it comes to you, I become like an animal, completely out of control."

He then released my hair and cupped my face in his hands and forced me to look Into his eyes. He looked almost guilty and I couldn't understand why. "I actually bought a ticket for you to come to Italy. I knew that you wouldn't want to, but I did it anyway. I just wanted to see how you would react to me leaving, that's why I didn't tell you immediately."

I was lost for words, until I started laughing like a crazy person. Clearly taken aback, Blake let me go and took a step back to look what I'm going to do.

"It's so funny!" I finally said, after I had calmed down. "I almost believed you."

He rolled his eyes and took out a paper from the inside of his jacket. The paper suddenly turned to two papers and I saw an airline symbol and some kind of words. "Please tell me you're joking."

He shook his head and watched my next reaction. "What about my plans? I already had everything figured out, I-," Blake interrupted my breakdown.

"I spoke with the girls, they said that they didn't mind, as long as they could have you on Friday."

"You spent a bunch of money on me once again," I frowned and he looked at me in the eyes, as if he was trying to point out something.

"I can't believe that you still think that I will stop showering you with gifts. I want to make you happy, so let me do it," he gave me a look that said "don't fuck with me or I'm going to buy you a castle". "Consider this as your Valentine's Day present."

He is not making it easier for me...

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