26. Burning the putrid

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I spent the whole day avoiding Stacy like a plague and I could see that Jonah looked pleased with the yesterday's outcome. Actually, he walked up to me and updated me on that the plan was successful and Stacy is now going out with him.

Then why am I running away from Stacy, if their ever after is successful? Well, I guess that I'm a tiny bit afraid of losing my life at this age. I still have to try an ice cream cake and visit Italy and i could go on. I haven't done any of these things yet.

Jonah assured me that Stacy wouldn't kill me for betraying her trust like that, but I wasn't taking any chances. Who knows, maybe they've become a killer couple, who plan to lure me out to some abandoned alley to kill me and throw me in a dumpster.

If it really happens, I hope that the dumpster doesn't contain mango peals. I hate mangoes.

I'm driving you home.

I sighed looking at the text message Seb sent me. I really don't want to spend more time with him, even if it means that I don't have to walk long distances to my house.

I'm getting a ride home from
my friend. Don't wait up for

Of course I lied. I finally realized that walking home can sometimes bring you an adventure. Maybe I'll witness something interesting, like a dog, who knows...

Ok, don't forget about the

Right. The plan.


"Der-boy, I'm home!" I shouted making sure that he isn't at home. If he were, he would've snapped at me for the nickname.

Complete silence. Not even a breath could be heard, apart from mine. I breathe like a freaking horse.

I quickly dropped my school bag and made my way upstairs into his room. As soon as I opened his door I was greeted with a smell of something putrid.

"What the hell, Derek," I muttered shutting my nose with my fingers and breathing through my mouth. "Do you ever open your window in here? It smells like all of your dirty socks died in here."

I looked around and remembered that I'm home alone. I was just talking to myself, great.

I walked up to his drawer and opened it to reveal a complete mess. It stank even worse in this drawer and I almost gagged from the stench.

I should put some gloves on, if I want to find something in his stuff, who knows what's in there.

I was about to go to my moms room to get those gloves she used to color her hair with, but I suddenly heard the front door opening.

Time froze and I stopped breathing. Panic overcame me and I started barging through his drawer until I found what I was looking for. The pink boxers.

I took them out and saw that they had red lipstick stains on them and the sight was even more sickening that the stench that was in this room.

I switched the underwear, messed the drawer up, just like it was before, closed it behind me and quietly creeped over to his bedroom door.

If Derek was home, than he was being extremely quiet about it. My heart started hammering through my rib cage, when I heard footsteps approaching his room.

Ok, this is the end of me. He's going to surely end me. I can't believe that my last breath will cause me to vomit before I die. I always wanted to die pretty.

The door suddenly jerked open and I screamed at the top of my lungs for about five seconds. I heard someone scream back at me at a high pitched voice.

"Jesus, Hailes! Stop screaming like I'm about to murder you," the person at the door exclaimed after we both had stopped screaming.

"Seb?" I asked.

"No, Santa Claus. Of course it's me," he rolled his eyes walking into the room.

"What are you doing here?" I asked confused. He hadn't told me that he would be coming around... or had he? I wouldn't have remembered anyways, I have the memory of a fish.

"I don't want to leave my partner in crime alone to deal with this stuff," he shrugged his shoulders and gave me a half smile.

I raised my eyebrow. "Yeah, well I have just finished what I had to do, we just need to burn his underwear and I need to wash my hands at least 20 times. I doubt that he has cleaned his room for about all of his life."

"Yeah, well that's why I always slept on the couch, when I came over," Seb laughed.

"I thought that Derek was just being selfish and didn't let you sleep in his bed," I said confused.

"Yeah, and that too," Seb chuckled.

I shook my head with a smile on my lips and started making my way out of Derek's bedroom.

"And what was the scream about?" Seb asked me as he followed me downstairs.

"I obviously thought that you were Derek, so I was just a tiny bit scared," I explained.

"Tiny my ass," Seb exclaimed. "I thought that someone was chopping your head off in there."

I started laughing and said between chuckles," Yeah, well you also screamed. And I think that your voice was higher than mine."

I turned around to face him. He blushed and looked at the ground. "You scared me," he grumbled.

I walked to the fireplace and threw some wood in there as well as his boxers and lighted them on fire.

And that was the biggest mistake I've ever done in my life.

As soon as the fabric of his boxers started burning, it started smelling like someone was burning hair plus sweat.

"Oh, god! Open the freaking windows!" I shouted gasping for air, while Seb started howling in laughter.

I opened all of the windows and left the front door open to greet in the fresh air. I stayed in the doorway facing outside, not daring to have another breath of that horrid smell.

"What is wrong with my brother?" I asked confused. "He lives like a freaking pig."

Seb walked next to me and we both stood half inside and half outside. The silence was comforting and I was contemplating on staying here to spend the night, as I've ruined the smell of the whole house.

"I knew that it would smell like that once you burned it, but I kinda wanted to have a revenge on you, for making me wear that ridiculous mustache," Seb laughed.

I faced him and raised both of my eyebrows. "You did WHAT?!"

He took a sharp breath and wanted to run away, when I jumped on him and tackled him to the ground. I straddled him sitting on his stomach and holding his hands above his head.

And suddenly I realized the close proximity we were sharing and I took a sharp breath noticing him looking at my lips. This is not going to end good...

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