40. Time machine

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"That movie was awesome," I exclaimed happily. "Thank you for bringing me here!"

The movie was really great. Seb knew how much I love horror movies, so he brought me to a slasher horror movie, about serial killer, that looks too innocent to be one. It was so terrifying and exciting at the same time, to see the creative ways the killer was slashing his victims.

I probably shouldn't have watched that. Who knows, I might as well try something like that.

I looked at Seb to see him smirking proudly about something. Probably noticed that another girl was ogling at him.

I rolled my eyes at that.


"What are you rolling your eyes about?" He asked curiously.

"What are you smirking so damn much about?" I answered with another question. I saw him narrow his eyes and I knew how much he hates when people don't answer to his questions.

"Hailes..." He sighed. "I'm just happy."

I stopped and crossed my hands in front of me. He continued walking, until he realized that I was no longer besides him and turned around to see me glaring at him.

"That's not all, is it?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "Why do you want to know?"

"Because, I just do."

He narrowed his eyes at me, "You know, for someone, who asks so damn much questions, you sure don't answer many."

He was right. I am a hypocrite. I wanted to slap me in the past but decided that it is not possible, because scientists haven't made a time machine yet. What do I do now?

Nothing. I'll just ignore all of this and try to switch topics as unnoticeable as possible.

I huffed to seem like I was still angry and walked towards the exit. I heard him sigh and follow me right behind.

"Ok, stop!" He said.

Oh no. What did I do?

I slowly turned around to face him, trying not to put on my guilty face and seem that I'm still angry.

He ran his fingers through his curly hair and kept his glance on me all the time.

"You want to know why I was smirking?" He asked.

I wanted to answer him that that's fine and think of some kind of stupid reason to make him keep it to himself, but he answered anyway.

"I was just happy, to see you happy about going to a movie that I chose," He looked at me intensely and I gulped nervously.

"You didn't have to tell me," I muttered avoiding his gaze and looking down on his shoes.

"But you were angry with me. I didn't want to spend the rest of our dat... I mean the rest of our day with you being mad with me on such a minor thing."

I looked at him and blinked once. Then twice and then I lost count.

"Are you going to say something?" Seb asked nervously.

I took a deep breath and looked to movement on my left side, "Blake."

"What?" He asked confused. I saw him getting frustrated and I gulped loudly.

I looked to my left once again and saw him again.

There were a bunch of people waiting to buy the tickets, but no one, but his friend, dared to step closer than three meters from where Blake was standing.

I must admit, he does look pretty intimidating with his black leather jacket and the look that says that he'll kill anyone, that annoys him.

Maybe that's why no one wants to step even a foot at his direction. And this certainly brings a mafia vibe to him.

I saw his friend checking his watch and saying something to Blake, which made him even more angrier. He said something to his friend, who is even taller than Blake and let me tell you, Blake is really, I mean really tall. Blake looked stressed out and angry about something.

"Hailes!" I was brought back from my thoughts, when Seb shook my shoulders. "What are you talking about? Why are you thinking about Blake right now? Are you seeing each other and you've really fallen for him?"

I looked at Seb and frowned. Fallen for each other? What does he mean? Does he really think that I let myself fall in love so quickly?

"What the hell, Seb!" I hissed. "I said Blake, because he's literally standing on the left side with his friend."

And exactly when I said left side, Seb turned to look on the opposite side that I told him. I mean, he was kinda right, but he should've realized I was talking about my left side.

"Your other left!" I hissed.

Seb looked at me and rolled his eyes, "my other left is my right!"

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes too.

Seb looked at Blake and I saw him tensing up. "What is he doing here?"

"Are you seriously asking me?" I asked in an angry whisper. "Stop looking at him!" I hit Seb's shoulder, so that he'd stop stalking Blake.

He hissed in pain and rubbed his shoulder. "What was that for?"

"You will easily get us noticed, if you don't stop your stalking time!" I hissed at him. "We have to get out of here, before he notices, because he'll be angry about the fact that I never called him and gave him the wrong number."

Seb looked at me in shock. "You did what? He asked for your number?"

"So What If he did?" I looked at him and gave him what I thought was a confident smile.

Seb looked at me with an expression that told me that he doesn't believe my confident crap.

"Ok, he wanted me to call him about the job. But I'm not a model, you know that!" I panicked.

"Did he employ you?" Seb asked.

"What's that got to do with anything?" I asked now getting angry. "We have to get out of here."

"I'm trying to make a point here," Seb said crossing his arms.

I took a small peak at Blake again and he was looking around searching for something. I widened my eyes and hid myself from view, by getting in front of Seb.

"He's the son of my employer," I hissed at Seb.

"So he didn't employ you?"

"No one did, remember? I accidentally got there," I quickly muttered.

"He was flirting with you," Seb rolled his eyes and with a clenched jaw looked in the direction where Blake was standing with his friend.

I took a small peak and then wanted to invent the time machine.

I hate myself.

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