99. Can't change the past

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"I wanted to take you out on a date, not the other way around," Seb laughed as I dragged him to the restaurant that seemed like it was the perfect choice.

The lone lake. The restaurant where we had our first date.

I needed to somehow say goodbye to Seb and I thought that bringing him to the restaurant where we had our first date, would be the perfect choice.

"You really liked it here, didn't you?" Seb asked smiling all the time.

"Yeah, it was amazing," I replied.

We were taken to a table, where I took the same spaghetti. Blake ordered the same thing too and we let the waiter let the chef know about our orders.

"I'm really sad to hear about what happened," Blake said taking my hand in his.

"It's fine. It wasn't a big deal," I dismissed the topic, but he kept on talking about it.

"You don't have to pretend that you're strong. I know you always do, but you must be terrified," he started drawing circles on my hand.

"It's taken care of, I don't have to be terrified of him," I said with a smile, trying to convince that I was fine. I wasn't terrified of him going back after me, because I knew that it won't happen, but at the same time I was scared of what would have happened if I hadn't survived.

"Listen, Seb," I started and he immediately gave me attention, "I'm not here to have just a dinner with you. I'm here to have a closure between us."

"Closure?" He asked and a small frown settled on his face.

"I'm leaving and I thought that it would be the best if I talked to you about everything that happened in the last year," I said and he looked almost sad.

"Is Derek aware of the fact that you're leaving?" Seb asked and I nodded my head.

"He's coming with me," I said and immediately I felt like Seb seemed disappointed. "This is one of my last days here, that's why I'm doing this," I pointed between us.

"Thank you," Seb said genuinely and I shook my head.

"Let's talk," I suggested, but it sounded more like an order, "I had a massive crush on you for years, but I never really told you for a couple of reasons- you were never single and you are my brother's best friend. This year when you kissed me and you kissed Cindy the next day, I felt like train had wrecked me, that's why it was so hard for me to trust you. I still thought that I loved you in some way, but then Blake came along and showed me that he wants me and he doesn't care what other people think. He showed me what true affection meant and it didn't take long for me to fall in love with him."

Seb was listening to me ramble with a pained expression, "I know that all of that was my fault, but I do think that I would be better for you, than him."

"That's not for discussion anymore, Seb. Anything romantic between us is long gone."

"But What about Blake breaking up with you in Italy?" Seb asked. "You forgave him. Why couldn't you forgive me and let us move past my mistakes."

"Blake did what he did, because he had no other choice. But you hurt me on your own will," I argued and Seb plumped down back on his seat, running his hand through his curls.

"Why are we here?" He asked me. "This is not a date, that's for sure. I thought that if you gave me a chance, that maybe I could redeem myself in front of you, but you will never leave Blake, will you."

"Well, I'm leaving all of you in a couple of days," I smirked.

"Why did you bring me here. You know how I feel about you," he said with a pained expression.

"I wanted to say goodbye," I frowned. "I didn't want you to find out that I'm gone from someone else. I wanted it to be me."

Seb stood up from our table and walked around it, lowering himself to match my level.

"I want to kiss you so damn badly, but I don't want to start another drama, so can I hug you?" He asked hopefully.

I gave him my permission as I wrapped my hands around his torso, dragging him closer to me. "You will find someone that you'll love endlessly," I said. "I know you're a good guy, just don't show affection by kissing other girls, it doesn't really work."

Seb started chuckling and he let me go. He looked at me one last time, before sitting back on his seat and drumming his fingers on the table.

It felt good to have a closure with Seb and my heart felt a little lighter. If Sebastian was sad, he didn't show it in any way, he seemed almost relaxed.

The food was finally brought in and we actually had a great time. We talked about our past and things that we did to annoy my brother and i actually enjoyed every second of the evening.

When we were done, Seb took me to Blake's place, where Blake stood outside his door with his arms crossed. I hugged Seb one last time and crawled out of the car, stumbling for a bit, as I made my way towards Blake.

He wrapped his arms around me almost protectively, as we watched Seb drive off.

"I didn't know that you were out with that guy," he growled and I sighed.

"I've known him for longer than I have known you. I needed to say goodbye," I said as I stood on my tiptoes to try and reach Blake's lips. Blake leaned down and kissed me passionately, dragging our bodies closer with his hands.

"You're mine," he kissed me one more time and let me go.

"Yes I am," I smiled and walked inside hand in hand with the guy that I can't imagine my life without.

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