41. Steamy toilets

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Brown with grey connected in a strong pull.

I connected my eyes with his and was too busy staring at him to notice that he was getting closer to me with large steps.

"Hailey!" Seb shouted at me. "We have to go!"

"She's not going anywhere," a hand suddenly grabbed my wrist.

I shrieked in surprise and saw Blake already looking at me with a stony expression.

"Let go of her!" Seb forced the words out of his mouth and he sounded really scary.

If I were Blake, I'd let go of me and and walk away in surrender. But that's not what Blake did.

I looked up to see him glaring at Seb and boy let me tell you, when I said that I'd back away after Seb threatened me, Blake makes Seb look like a puppy.

If looks could kill, Seb would be already dead.

"I don't have time, nor patience for your bullshit," Blake rolled his eyes. "Damien?"

As soon as he said that, his tall friend came in view.

The guy, who's probably called Damien, unless Damien is his code name in public, as I already mentioned is even taller than Blake and has almost pitch black hair. The fact that his hair is so dark, makes his grayish blue eyes pop out of his face and seem even more intimidating. Just like Blake, Damien has a sharp jaw and a little stubble.

"Yeah?" Damien asked Blake, stepping in front of Seb and looking at him with a disgusted expression, just like when someone notices that they've stepped in poop.

"I don't want to deal with him right now, I need to speak with her," Blake gave Damien a silent order and Damien nodded his head, his eyes still on Seb.

"What!?" Seb asked looking at me and Blake worriedly. "Hailes, you can't go with him!"

I looked to see Blake rolling his eyes at Seb and he smirked when he noticed that I was looking at him. But his smirk wiped off of his face real quick.

He then proceeded to walk away, pulling me by my wrist.

I tried to jerk my hand off his grasp, but his hold was inhumanly strong- he didn't even have to move a finger to tighten his hold on my wrist, because my movement didn't affect him. Imagine having your wrist handcuffed to a hotty that was dragging you somewhere to probably kill you. That's me right now.

I heard Seb shouting behind me, but when I looked around, I could only see Damien's back. Freaking giant.

"Let go of me," I hissed still trying to get away, but he ignored me completely.

I looked around to see where he was taking us and realized that he was bringing us to the toilets.

'Ha! He won't be able to kill me, if there's other people In there!' I fist bumped myself in my head.

What he did next surprised me and terrified me at the same time.

Instead of bringing us to the toilets for men or women, he pushed us into the disabled toilet.

Ok, I'm going to die.

Blake shut the door behind him and turned around to face me with a smirk. He took out a cigarette and lighted it on fire taking a deep puff. I wrinkled my nose in disgust and turned my head away.

"I've been waiting for your call for some time now," Blake began in his deep voice. "Mind explaining what the fuck has happened to your fucking cellphone, that you can't fucking call me?"

Although he said the word 'fucking' In a calm voice, every time he said the swear word, that I actually like to use a lot, I winced. I don't know why, but hearing a guy swear seems more threatening than hearing a girl do it.

"Listen, Blake," I looked at him to see him taking another puff of that cancer on a stick. "I'm not actually a model. I happened to get on the podium by accident, I didn't mean for it to happen."

"I know," He rolled his eyes and dropped the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it with his shoe.

"You know? Then why did you leave me your number?" I asked him confused, but immediately after I said that, the answer came up to me and slapped me hard.

They were all right. He didn't want to employ me... he likes me?

I looked at him with my mouth wide open and gaped.

"I see that you've finally realized what I actually wanted from you," he rolled his eyes and started walking towards me.

I gulped and started walking backwards, only to hit my back against the wall. I looked sideways to see the wall and when I turned to see Blake, he had a smirk on his face and he trapped me, by putting his hands on the wall behind me by the both sides of my face.

"You're so naive," he whispered looking into my eyes. "But It makes me like you even more."

I... can't... think... his... eyes... and his... lips.

I have to say something.

"Listen," I whispered. Why am I whispering? I saw him give me a smirk and he definitely knows what impact he has on me.

I cleared my throat and tried talking once again, "Listen, Blake. You've caught the wrong girl. I have no doubt that there are girls that are actually pretty and talented out there, you just..."

Blake silenced me by pressing his index finger on my lips. "Don't!" He hissed, closing his eyes In anger. "The next time I hear you saying these words I will kill Sebastian Stone."

I widened my eyes and spoke through his finger, "What?" Why is he saying this to me?

"It's not easy to read you, but it's really easy to read him. I can guess that he did something that made him become untrustworthy in your eyes and now you're wary of his actions, am I wrong? Don't think so. And I have no doubt, that he's the one that planted the thoughts in your head about not being enough. These kind of thoughts just don't come out of nowhere."

I didn't say anything, because he was right about every single thing. But how the hell did he know Sebastian's full name? I think that finding out would be too terrifying, so I chose to ignore it.

"And now," Blake said slowly sliding his hands down the wall. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him, causing a gasp to escape my mouth.

Blake held me for a second, his eyes looking straight into mine, when he suddenly pulled back and held something in his hands. At first I was relieved and kinda confused but then I saw something. I widened my eyes in realization and wanted to grasp it out of his hands, but he used his length in his advantage and kept me away from it.

My freaking phone.

He typed something and gave me back my phone as soon as he was finished.

"There you go! Now I've called my phone from yours, so I have your number, plus, you'll have mine. I fully expect you to call me or I'll call you and forcefully take you out. I love both options so do whatever you want."

I frowned taking my phone from his hands. This can't be really happening.

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