56. Tree tattoo

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I woke up with a pounding headache. Damn, how much did i drink yesterday?

I slowly fluttered my eyes open and was greeted by a bright light. I hissed and pressed my hand against my eyes.

"You're finally awake, I see," I heard someone speak.

I curiously opened my eyes and was greeted by a pair of chocolate orbs looking at me.

"Why... why are you here?" I asked him my voice groggy.

"You don't remember?" He asked me accusingly and I frowned, another wave of headache splitting my head open. I hissed again and heard shuffling next to me and the next thing i know, Blake is giving me some aspirin.

"Take this, you got pretty wasted last night," he told me and I greedily took the pills and popped them into my mouth and downed them with the cool water.

"I wasn't planning on drinking so much," I started, "but Caroline knows how to press my buttons and I ended up here?"

I looked around and came to a realization that this isn't my room.

"Where am I?" I asked him. "And where's Caroline?"

"You're in my bedroom and Caroline is right next door with Damien. He seems to have taken interest in your friend and I can't separate him from her even for a minute," he then looked at me and gave me a smug smile, "it would have been the same way with us, but you're as stubborn as a goat."

I shot him a glare and put my glass down on the nightstand. I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. "Wait. Did your parents see me like this?" I asked my cheeks getting warm with embarrassment.

He smirked at me and didn't answer immediately, purposely making me feel bad, "don't worry. They don't live with me. My mom wanted to have the house all to herself, when I turned eighteen, so here I am. I live here alone, unless Damien decides like now, to spend the night here."

I let out a breath of relief. Thank god. That would've been super embarrassing.

"Are you afraid to ruin the way my parents see you?" He suddenly asked and I frowned, "because that is super cute. Don't worry, they would still love you, even if you drank like a sailor."

"I don't usually drink so much, hell, I've never gotten drunk before this," I complained and heard him chuckle.

"How did you find yourselves in the VIP room?" Blake asked me and I gulped.

"Me and Caroline wanted to do something reckless. I didn't know that you were there, if I had known, then I wouldn't have come," I explained and saw him frown slightly at my last words.

"But you did. And you didn't even remember my name," he growled and I winced. As soon as he saw that I'm scared, he gave me a soft smile and put his hand on mine. "But I've been thinking about something. You didn't remember me, but you didn't have any problem to tell me that you want to kiss me. Do you know what this fact showed me?"

Few options were running through my head, like, I'm a slut and I kiss everybody, I'm desperate or I'm getting hypnotized by him.

"That showed me," he began speaking, after realizing that I was too deep in thoughts to answer, "that you're seriously attracted towards me."

I scoffed, rolled my eyes and threw my hand in the air in a dismissive manner, basically showing him in every possible way that I disagree with his thoughts.

"I get attracted towards chocolate cakes, what makes you so special?" I asked him, crossing my arms in front of me.

He leaned towards me and I leaned back until I fell backwards on the bed and he fell on top of me, trapping me in a sandwich between him and the bed.

He slowly and teasingly licked his lips, while looking into my eyes. He then quickly let me go to take his shirt off and then trapped me under him once again.

I closed my eyes and felt his body pressing into mine even more and suddenly his breath hit my neck, causing goosebumps to form on my skin.

"You don't feel attracted towards me," He teased me, but I couldn't understand a word. My brain was officially melted. "I bet you wouldn't mind taking your soft, petite hands," he took my hands in his, "and stroking my..."

He didn't finish the sentence and I started blushing even more. I opened my eyes curiously to see what he'll do next. If this continues, my blood will have changed with my skin and skin will be my inside and blood will be my outside.

"My..." he teased me, slowly pulling my hand towards his little friend, but he stopped just a few inches before him, making the feeling of relief wash over me. "My abs." He then pressed my hand against his rock hard chest.

I noticed that this was not only affecting me, but also him, as he was taking in deep breaths. He then slowly started moving my hand against every curve of his abdomen and I was melting at the feeling of his soft skin on my fingertips.

I diverted my glance from his abdomen and looked into his eyes to see him already looking at me with slightly parted lips. My sight became blurry from the sexual tension between us and I started blinking rapidly.

Blake then let go of my hand, but I kept it on his stomach, and cupped my face with both of his hands. He started leaning in, stopping at the last second, as if he was seeing if I was okay with this.

Suddenly a loud scream interrupted our moment and I accidentally, from the surprise of the noise, hit my head against his and we both started groaning in pain.

"Fuck... me!" He hissed and rubbed his forehead.

My eyes watered from the pain. If Blake's seduction helped me to forget about my headache, the hit made the headache even worse than it was before.

I heard the bedroom's door opening and saw Caroline rushing in.

"Hailey? We have to go!" She hurriedly told me and looked behind her back to see Damien standing against the doorframe with crossed arms. The fact that his arms were crossed, made him look even more buff.

Caroline noticed that too and visibly started shaking. "Listen, Damien. I didn't mean to drag you into my mess, I was just drunk and stupid. You don't have to do anything, I can manage everything myself."

Damien scoffed and started walking towards her.

"Damien, we were kinda busy, before you came in here..." Blake growled, looking at his and mine friend.

"This will only take a second," he spat out and looked at my shaken friend. "Me and Blake are pretty similar," Damien explained to Caroline, "we hate talking to meaningless people and getting new acquaintances. Apart from me, Blake learned from my mistake and decided that once the right girl comes, she'll come and he won't let her go and he did just that, but I... I rushed and thought that this one girl was enough, when she wasn't. I now realize, that you were the one who was supposed to be with me and I see it so fucking clear now."

He then pulled her towards him and said, "I'm not letting you go now, you can scream and punch me as much as you want. But apart from my friend there," he pointed at Blake, who had now turned his back on me, with his tattoo showing me... wait? He has a Tattoo? What? "I respect your need to have privacy for as much time as you want. I'm going to take care of that son of a bitch."

Caroline looked dumbly at him and he waited for a reaction out of her. Once he didn't get any, he picked her up and once again she wrapped her legs around him, clutching to him like a bear.

Once they were out of the room, I grabbed Blake's arm and pulled him towards me. He looked at me curiously, awaiting an explanation, but I just traced my fingers around the tattoo of a delicate tree.

"It's so funny," I began, "I had never noticed that you have a tattoo."

He chuckled and sat back down on the bed, making the bed dip. "It's because you always close your eyes once I become too 'naked'," he said the word naked sarcastically.

"Har, har," I gave him a fake laugh and let his arm go. "I'm going to go home now."

Blake put his hand on my leg, stopping my movement and I looked at him, expecting an explanation. "You're spending the day with me."

"No, I'm not," I scoffed.

He looked into my eyes with an arrogant smirk. Freaking over-ass-confident moron.

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