55. Wasted

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I cautiously stood up and slightly swayed on the steps, but at the last second regained my balance.

"Shit, Hailey, are you fucking drunk?" a manly voice asked and I turned around to face the long stairs.

Nobody was there. Then who's talking to me?

I slowly turned around once again and saw Caroline standing in the room as if she had been there all the time.

I waddled inside the room and saw that the guys had stopped looking at the strippers and were peaking at us with curious looks.

"What the hell are you doing here, Hailey?" Someone spoke my name again and I frowned looking around.

There was a blonde guy standing by the door and I pointed my finger at him, "who the fuck told you my name?"

He widened his eyes and shook his head, "It wasn't me, it was your boyfriend."

"Huh?" I asked and turned around once again.

I heard someone cursing and a brown haired guy walked towards me in a protective manner. He looked so familiar, but I couldn't wrap my finger around it. I frowned at him as he stood behind me.

"What are you doing here?" He whispered in my ear, emphasizing each word slowly.

"Enchiladas," I replied and saw that Caroline was looking at the pool table and she slowly walked towards it to lay down on it.

"This is so... like grass," she started moving her hands around the green part of the table.

I saw Damien in the room and he had his eyes fixed on Caroline. He couldn't take his eye off of her and I smirked. Well, well, well. My friend Damien has his eyes set on Caroline. I looked at her and saw her smiling with wide eyes at the ceiling. "I have never seen so much stars before," she sighed and ran her fingers through the air.

"I'm pretty, pretty, pretty," She rambled the words, "pretty, pretty sure, that the star over there," she pointed her finger at the light on the ceiling, "is called the sausage star. My mom is an astrologer I would know."

I heard the other guys chuckling at the situation and suddenly I saw that they no longer had the strippers around them.

The guy behind my back put his hands on my hips and turned me around to face him, "You're fucking wasted."

Once I heard his words I shouted, "I fucking won! Woo hoo! I'm wasted, Caroline!"

I heard her groan and I peaked around my shoulder to see her pressing her palms against her face, "really? And i tried so hard to do this. I shouldn't have made you drink those 5 shots."

I heard the guy holding me speak, " 5 fucking shots?"

"Listen Rodriguez," I began and heard him growl, "I don't know who you are, but my friend there Damien is going to bone my friend with his eyes and I'm suddenly realizing that I'm really hungry. Where's the toilet, again?"

"You're so fucking annoying when you're drunk," Rodriguez murmured.

Rodriguez gripped my arm and led me somewhere and I started stumbling from the way he was moving around in a fast pace. "Calm your potatoes, Browny."

He ignored me, but I guess he got tired of my slow walk, so he took me in his arms and carried me to a room, just besides this.

I calmly watched as he kicked open the door and blinding white light forced me to close my eyes. "My eyes!" I shouted. "I don't have eyes anymore, how am I going to watch over Caroline now? I'm such a bad friend," I cried.

"Open your eyes," browny ordered me and I slowly opened them to see him standing in front of a mirror with me in his arms.

"When you're sober, we're going to have a talk," he gave me a promise, that didn't sound too good.

"Sure thing, Browny. Io ho una patata and I'm not afraid to use it," I threatened him.

I saw amusement taking over his face and he almost looked like he wanted to laugh, "so you speak Italian now?"

"Sì," I muttered.

He placed me down on the floor and grabbed my face, whispering something in Italian and I looked at him, nodding my head once in a while, as though I understood everything he told me, when in fact I only understood about two words.

"I think that I can't speak lasagna anymore," I sighed, "you just took away my powers."

He started laughing and slightly became blurry in front of me. My knees buckled and I almost fell to the floor, but Batman caught me. "Careful, queen."

This was like a wake up call to me and I widened my eyes once again and walked around Batty to leave the bathroom.

"I thought that you needed to use the toilet," Batman whined behind me.

"Shh, Batman," I called out and he growled.

"My name's fucking Blake. I can't believe that you've gotten so wasted, that you've forgotten about me."

Once I was outside the bathroom, I saw Caroline talking to Damien with her arms flailing around, while she told him something that looked important. Damien was becoming angrier with her every word, but she continued her rant.

I started paddling towards them, until Blakey stopped me. "Has anyone ever told you?" I asked him.

"Told me what?"

I forgot what I wanted to say, so I ignored him and heard him sigh frustratingly.

I looked towards Damien and Caroline once again and saw him cupping her face in his hands and he was explaining something to her, with a clenched jaw and immediately after, Caroline threw her arms around him.

Damien pressed her against his chest and grabbed her both legs and wrapped them around his waist and started walking out of the room, with her in his arms. I saw Caroline's content face on his shoulder and she had closed her eyes and looked asleep.

"Wow, they look great together, don't they?" I asked Blakey and he grumbled something under his breath.

"Yeah, sure. His back and her face are a true match," Blakey rolled his eyes.

I frowned, "I mean his face, but if you think that she looks good with his back, then I guess she does."

"Come on, I have to get you home, before you do something that you might regret."

"Oh, no. And I was planning on kissing you," I pouted and saw him arguing with himself.

"If you weren't drunk right now, I would have kissed you," he grumbled, sounding like he was convincing himself more than he was convincing me.

"Ok, i think that I'm going to sleep," I muttered and heard him ask something.


And that was the last thing I remember before passing out.

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