36. Talking stomach

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"I must admit, the stunt you and my best friend pulled, was... something," Derek said pacing around the room like a villain from every superhero movie ever. "But I have a surprise for you!"

He stopped pacing and turned to look at me crossing his fingers together.

I raised my eyebrow "no, thanks. I think that i can live without the surprise."

"But you have no idea, what it is!"

I rolled my eyes and stood up to walk away. If I just ignore him, he can't affect me, right?

"Hailey Summers, I'm talking to you!" He shouted behind my back, as I was walking up to my room.

"I told mom, that you and Seb are together and she expects pictures from the both of you in our summerhouse, that she had so kindly requested me to give you two the keys to," Derek shouted behind my retreating back.

I stopped in my tracks and started shaking. What? This must be a joke.

"You're kidding," I turned around, probably looking like a ghost. If he's not lying, I'm in a deep hole.

Derek gave me his smirk and I immediately knew that this wasn't a joke and he indeed has all of this planned out.

"You know what?" I started laughing. "I can just call mom and tell her that you're lying."

"Go ahead!" Derek smirked. "It will be such a pity to break her heart this way. She has been rooting for you two for years now and she squealed so happily, when I told her yesterday."

He sighed and pretended to be sad, but I know him better, to know that he is just manipulating me. And it is working damn well.

"You little shit!" I cursed at him and was about to launch at him and throw punches, when a knock came at the door.

"Oh and I invited Seb already. I know how much the both of you need to be alone now, so there's no need to thank me and you're welcome," he turned me around to face the door and started me pushing towards it.

"When I come back," I started in a sickening sweet voice, "you're going to wish that you had sent me to the depths of hell instead of this, because what's coming, is going to fucking ruin you!" I hissed the last part.

"Thank god, that you told me this. I'll just go live with my girl for a while, so that you'll be able to cool down."

He opened the door for me and I saw Seb looking awkward on the other side.

"Finally! She couldn't wait to see you and was about to slit my throat, because I wouldn't let her call you," Derek exclaimed dramatically and I rolled my eyes. What a little bitch!

"You sure you're talking about the same Hailes that I'm thinking about? She'd throw away a box of chocolate cake to not talk to me," he narrowed his eyes, looking at my brother.

"Just go! You have until Monday and don't make my sister pregnant, that would just be awkward," Derek said, while he pushed me out of the house and slammed the door shut behind him.

I looked at Seb to see that he was glancing at me wearily, as if I was some kind of wild animal, that would pounce on him and rip him from flesh to flesh.

I rolled my eyes and like a three year old stomped over to his fancy car. I reached the door, when I glanced back to see him still observing my movements.

"You coming or staring at me all day? I'm losing patience," I snapped.

He grumbled something under his breath and quickly walked over to me. We climbed into the car and both sighed loudly. I looked at him to see him already looking at me and we both started laughing loudly.

"Ok, I'm sorry, I'm being like this. Let's just try to live through this weekend," I sighed running my hand through my hair.

"Apology accepted," he smirked at me. "Who knows, maybe you'll actually like the weekend with me. I can be a party animal, you know."


Seb pulled up to the place I had spent half of my childhood in. The memories here speak to me in a way, that makes me want to travel back in time and forget all of my problems and let me be once again the little girl, that imagined having the wedding with the perfect boy in the perfect dress, with the perfect music in the perfect place.

How I miss my childhood!

If I started to talk to myself and danced around, people would think that I'm mental and I'd probably end up in a psychiatric care.

So unfair.

I looked around the woody place, where I liked to sneak out during the night and walk through the forest to the lake that was lead to by a narrow path through the woods.

I'm actually surprised that I haven't died yet- me being a stupid 8 year old, that liked to take midnight walks through the forest.

If I'm here, then I'll definitely go to the lake in the middle of the night, for the good old time sakes.

"This place is really nice," Seb muttered looking around.

"The outside looks great, but the inside looks like shit. You'd probably want to go back outside, once you step your foot in the house."

Seb chuckled and turned around once again to take in the surrounding view.

"I think that you just love woods so much, that you don't want to be anywhere else but there," Seb laughed.

I thought about it, but my thoughts got distracted once I realized that I haven't eaten.

"I need food," I said walking up the porch to go inside.

"Way to avoid conversation," Seb muttered behind my back, but I knew that he hadn't meant it in an accusing way. He has probably a smile on his face at this exact moment.

I rolled my eyes, but turned around and gave him a genuine smile. "Ask me this again, once I've eaten. If honest, I can't really concentrate on anything, if my stomach is constantly shouting for me to feed it."

I then lifted my shirt a bit to reveal my stomach and grabbed my skin imitating a mouth "feed me Hailey, or I'll make you eat in the middle of the night and you'll end up gaining more weight."

Seb started laughing at my deep voice that I made to talk like my stomach. I mean, to act like my stomach was talking. My stomach actually doesn't talk.

But that would be great if he did.

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