83. Unprofessional professionals

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"I'm not flying on that!" I exclaimed and turned around to walk back to the car. I felt someone grabbing my wrist and pulling me back.

"No, you are. Come on, we need to settle in," Blake nudged me forwards and I gave him a weak smile.

"I hate you," I exclaimed. "And if you even try to say that I love you, then I'll push you off a moving plane."

Blake immediately shut his mouth, but I managed to notice the smirk that was on his dumbly attractive face.

"Tigrotto," he muttered.

"Shut your keyhole!" I snapped and walked ahead of him, trying to get as far away from him, as I could.

When I entered the airplane, a pretty stewardess looked at my ticket and lead me to somewhere deeper into the plane. She shoved away red curtains and I could see that seats here weren't as crowded as they were at the entrance of the plane.

"What am I doing here?" I asked her but she ignored me and walked away.

"We're in the first class," Blake explained behind me and when I turned around, I saw him waving his ticket in front of me.

He walked ahead and sat down on one of the seats, tapping with his palm on the seat that was right next to him. I rolled my eyes and sat down right next to him.

"Are you excited for your first flight?" He asked me and I looked at him with wide eyes. How does he know that I'm flying for the first time? "We played that game never have I ever, remember?"

Of course. I was one of the only people to raise my hand.

"Yeah, I guess that I am kinda excited. And a little bit nervous too."

Blake took my hand in his large one and squeezed it reassuringly. "I'm here, you're going to be fine."

"Yeah," I muttered lowly. "We're going to be fine."

Suddenly I noticed a movement on Blake's side and saw the same stewardess that showed me the way. She was looking at Blake with lust filled eyes, something that I was definitely starting to hate. "Can I help you?" She purred and touched Blake's hand.

Blake froze and I saw him clenching his jaw at the sudden feeling of her touching him. "Hailey?" He asked me, completely ignoring her poor attempts of flirting.

"I'm going to have some water," I said, but she wasn't even looking at me. Blake raised his eyebrow at her and repeated what I said, only them she walked away, swaying her hips.

"What a bitch," I hissed.

I noticed from the corner of my eye that Blake was happy that I was showing a little bit of jealousy. "Aww, is my little queen jealous of some kind of other woman?"

"No," I growled, but I knew that he hadn't believed me.

The stewardess returned with the glass of water and once she had reached us, she "accidentally" poured it over his crotch area and started wiping with her hands. I looked at her, my mouth wide open and I took the remaining water and poured it all over her caked up face. She gasped and looked at me with fiery eyes.

Then I noticed that Blake was breathing heavily, as if he was about to lose his shit. "Fucking leave!" I hissed at her, ready to pounce on her and destroy that stupid face.

Once she had left, I took off my jacket and laid it over Blake's crotch. "Just Wait until it dries."

"Thanks," he said and I nodded.

"So... I guess you were jealous," he said and I immediately turned my head to face him. A smug looking expression had formed on his face and I immediately regretted showing any kinds of anger towards the completely inappropriate behavior.

"I don't get jealous. Don't be ridiculous," I snapped and a smirk rolled on his lips. "She was just being shitty at her job. It got on my nerves."

Blake laughed, "keep telling yourself that!"

I was not telling myself that. I was completely aware of my jealousy outburst- I was telling Him that. I just didn't want him to think that he had won me over.

Yeah, it's not like I ever told him that I loved him. Oh wait, I did...

"You know that I love it when you get jealous," he said, taking my hand in his. He planted a small kiss on my knuckles, keeping his eyes on me. "It shows me more than your words ever could- it shows me how much you care. And I love every part of it."

"I'm sorry for my colleague," a different steward came up to us. He was blonde with light blue eyes that looked pretty kind. He looked to be about twenty years old and confidence rolled off of him. "She's new. So could we anyhow compensate the stunt she pulled?"

I smiled at him and said the first thing on my mind, "do you have ice cream?"

The guy smiled and shook his head in agreement, "Sure thing. It's on the house- I mean, on the plane," he winked at me and left.

I looked at Blake and saw him looking at the seat ahead of us with his jaw clenched. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

"He was openly flirting with you," he hissed and I frowned. What? He was just being nice...

"I don't know what you're talking about," I snapped and crossed my arms, "he was being polite. Nothing more."

The guy returned not long after that and gave me a small container filled with different flavors of ice cream. I couldn't help but to feel immediate happiness. "Anything else?" He asked me and I looked at Blake, who gave the steward a stone hard glaze.

"You can leave and let me and my girlfriend enjoy this flight," Blake replied claiming me. I gasped and looked at him to see him glaring at the poor man.

The guy smirked and passed me a piece of paper that had something written on it. It took me a minute to realize that he had given me his phone number. He gave me another wink at left me with bloodthirsty Blake.

He didn't hesitate to rip the paper out of my hands and tear it apart.

"This is the last fucking time were flying with public airlines," I heard him growling.


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