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"Oi, love, you couldn't nip out and grab us some more cigs, could you?"

Rebecca sighed and turned to glare at the frontman of the band who called themselves SixtyDust, that's not my job."

"Oh, am I mistaken? I thought Jeremy, your boss, told you to do whatever keeps us happy."

Tossing the broom she was using to sweep up their countless cigarette ends off to the side, the brunette was quick to pull the stupid apron they made her wear over her head, "What kind?"

"Regal," he said, throwing some money her way, "And get us some more coffee, will you?"

Instead of giving him a verbal reply, Rebecca gave him and his bandmates a tight-lipped smile before throwing the door open. "Wankers," she muttered under her breath as she burst out of the building into the busy London street and she was quick to apologise when her shoulder collided with someone else's.

"Rebecca?" she turned at the sound of her name, "Becca?"

There was only one person who called her that name and that, was her cousin Sophie.

"Soph?" she gaped, pulling her into a tight hug, "What...I thought you lot moved up to Manchester?"

"We did. But you know mum. She hates being away from her sister and my dad, being the pushover he is, moved us back." Sophie explained, "Though what are you doing now? I'm going to meet her and she'd love to see you. You should come."

"I'm working," she said regrettably.

She wanted nothing more than to go with her cousin and catch up. It had been a while since they'd seen each other but she couldn't.

She needed this stupid job to pay for the rent on her flat. Living in London is not cheap.

"Oh," Sophie said, the disappointment evident on her face too, "Well, how about we meet up later on? There's this bar, they have a band playing, I think their name is Smile. They're really good and their lead singer, Tim, is gorgeous."

Laughing, Rebecca nodded and started to finally make her way to the corner shop to get the cigarettes she'd been sent out for, "Sound amazing. You know me, I like a good drink."

"Great!" she clapped her hands, "You can meet my friend Mary. I think you'll get on. Meet at the place for eight? Here's the address." she grabbed her cousin's arm and pulled a pen out of her bag, using her teeth to pull the cap off, "I'll see you tonight!"

Rebecca waved as she disappeared into the busy street, looking down to read the address so she could try and memorise it - she'd hopefully remember to write it down on an actual piece of paper when she returned.

She looked up when she heard someone knocking on the window next by her, seeing the singer from SixtyDust tapping his watch, basically telling her to hurry up.

"Prick," she muttered, crossing the street to finally go to the shop.

Tonight couldn't come soon enough.


Sophie was right, Mary and Rebecca did get along fabulously. The three of them had met outside of the bar, where introductions were made and then the three of them made their way into the venue.

"Smile don't normally come on till nine," Sophie said over the track that was playing overhead, "Until then, we can get a couple of drinks down us."

They each got their drink; a vodka tonic for Sophie and Mary while Rebecca went for a gin and tonic.

"Where do you work?" Rebecca asked Mary, taking a sip of her drink. "

"Biba," she answered, "It's not the most glamorous thing to do but it's a job."

"That's how I feel," Rebecca nodded, "I hate where I work. And the best thing is, I barely even make rent every month."

The three stood at the bar and chatted for the next hour, moving closer to the stage when they announced that Smile would be up next.

"Wait until you see him, Rebecca," Sophie gushed.



Mary nodded, "I see."

The lights suddenly dimmed and the crowd started to cheer when three guys came onto the stage.

"I'm in love!" Sophie gushed, fanning herself with her hand, swooning against her cousin, "Isn't he handsome?"

"Sure," Rebecca laughed, "Of course he is."


After the gig, which Rebecca had to admit, was pretty good, the three young women spilt out into the halls of the venue with the rest of the still hyped-up crowd, where Sophie said a quick goodbye.

She was working early tomorrow.

"We could hang out a bit longer?" Mary offered, "Then we could split a taxi?"

"Sounds good to me," Rebecca nodded, "We could go to another pub if you want? I saw one a couple of streets over on my way here. Or we.." she trailed off when she realised that Mary wasn't listening.

She was looking over Rebecca's shoulder and she looked behind her to see that there was a handsome young man heading their way.

"Oh..." she said quietly, letting out a little laugh, "Do you know him?"

Mary quickly snapped out of it, her cheeks flushing a light red and she was sure to keep her head down as he walked by, "No."

Letting out a little laugh, Rebecca noticed that he was looking a little lost, "You okay?"

He turned, looking at the two of them but she couldn't help but notice that his gaze lingered on Mary, "I'm looking for the band."

"They normally hang around out back," Mary answered and he said a quiet thanks before turning to leave.

Then he stopped, turning again to look at the woman beside her, "I like your coat."

"Thanks," Mary flushed.

"She got it at Biba," Rebecca piped up, "Y'know, the place where she works."

"Thank you," she hissed, glaring at her, looking back at the man to give him a timid smile.

He gave her a dazzling smile in return before going on his way to find the band.

"You are awful!" Mary suddenly whispered, "Honestly, my face is on fire!"

Laughing, Rebecca looped her arm through hers and pulled her towards the door, "Oh come on! If it makes you feel any better, he seemed to be into you, too!"

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now