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After finding their sound, things got electric in that small room; Rebecca was up bouncing back and forth between dancing with Mary as they played the song back to being beside the man who was in charge of the soundboard.

At one point, she was up on John's shoulder playing what she thinks was a cowbell. Why they were using that, she didn't know but she didn't care. She was just amazed at the fact that she was being a part of it.

The last time she checked the clock, it was coming up for three in the morning and she could feel her eyes starting to slip shut again - despite having had a nap earlier on in the night.

But she forced herself to stay awake, wanting to listen to the music.

Mary had her head in her lap, with her legs thrown over the arm of the couch fast asleep while she watched Roger play with coins scattered across the top of the drum but she smiled at John as he took a seat in the empty space beside her and rest her head on his shoulder.

"You guys," she whispered, "I...it's all sounding incredible, Deaky."

"Yeah?" he smiled, "Though Mary doesn't seem too interested."

"Oh leave her," Rebecca laughed, "She's just tired."

"You look like you're not going to last much longer either," he laughed.

"I'm not," she admitted, "Might have to call it a night. I'll take Mary home with me."

"I can let Rog know if you want to head off now." he offered but she shook her head.

"No, it's okay. I'll wait till he's done."

She didn't have to wait long and when he exited the booth, she stood up, completely forgetting that Mary was asleep on her lap and bounded over to him.

"Oh," he laughed, catching her when she jumped into his arms, "Hello. How's it sounding?"

"Incredible," she whispered, brushing her lips against his, "Never heard anything like it. But..."

"I don't like the sound of this."

"I'm gonna head back home," she mumbled, sorting the collar of his jacket, "'m exhausted."

"You want me to walk you? Don't think they'll need me again till later."

"No, it's okay." she smiled, looking over her shoulder to where Freddie was waking Mary up, "I'll get her home."

He brushed his knuckle across her cheek, "I don't like the idea of you walking on your own."

"I second that," Brian spoke up behind her, "Is there no late buses running?"

"There's one that stops just down the road from our place." Mary yawned.

"Yes," Freddie nodded, "Rebecca, darling, go home with Mary. You can stay at ours."

"Guys, I can't do that," she tried to protest but Freddie was having none of it.

"I must insist," he said, placing his hands on her shoulders, "Otherwise I know that we'll all be worrying about you. Please, stay at ours."

She finally gave in. Anything that would get her home quicker and after saying goodnight to everyone, Roger and Freddie walked them to the bus stop."

"I'll stop by and get you whenever we're done," Roger murmured as the vehicle pulled to a stop beside them, leaning down to give her a kiss.

"Have fun, rockstars." she teased, giving Freddie one last hug before climbing on behind Mary.


Rebecca loved Freddie and Mary's flat. Well, actually, she loved their cats.

Her personal favourite was Tiffany; a gorgeous longhaired bluepoint who, from the first time she came over to the flat, had taken a shine to her.

So when they arrived back and the animals came to greet them, she eagerly stepped over Oscar and Jerry to pick up Tiffany.

"Hello," she cooed, scratching under her chin, "I don't care what Freddie says. Tomorrow morning, you're coming home with me." She turned to Mary, "What do you reckon? Think she'll fit in my bag?"

The blonde laughed and put her bag down, "I'll get you a blanket."

Rebecca sat down on what would be her bed for the evening and kissed the top of the cat's head, "You can sleep here tonight."

Mary silently dropped the blanket onto the couch by her and Rebecca dragged her eyes away from the beautiful creature that was in her lap.

"I hope you don't mind if I just go to bed," she said quietly, stifling a yawn, "I'm just so tired."

"Of course not," she smiled, "I'm gonna turn in too."

It took her a while to get settled; Mary's couch wasn't exactly the comfiest but with Tiffany and Jerry perched on top of her, she fell asleep.


"Rebecca. Rebecca, come on love. Wake up."

She groaned and turned away from him, pulling the blanket over her head, making Roger laugh. He perched himself on the edge of the couch, making sure that he didn't sit on her and gently, he moved the blanket down just enough to expose her eyes and nose, which she reluctantly opened.

"Morning," he whispered.

"It's early," she said, "Are you just getting home?"

"It is," he nodded, "And we are."

"You must be tired," she pushed herself up, running her finger under his eyes.

"Not really," he shrugged, "I'm more hungry than anything. How'd you feel about coming to get breakfast with me? Could go to that little café you like."

She grinned, "You know the way to my heart, Taylor. Where's Freddie?"

"He's gone to bed. We've just to let ourselves out."

Rebecca quickly got ready to go, leaving Roger on the couch playing with Tiffany.

She was ready in five minutes, excited for them to make their way for food so she could get a croissant. Though she suddenly remembered what had happened the last time she'd been there.

What were the chances of running into Kerry again? At the exact same place?

Low, right?

Though she didn't exactly have much luck when it came to the redhead.

There was a part of her that hoped the Kerry would be there, just so she could stick it to her by being there with Roger but Rebecca knew that if she saw them, Kerry would definitely come to speak to him.

"Ready to go?" Roger asked, snapping her out of her daze and she nodded, pushing her worries to the back of her mind.

"Yeah," she nodded, "Just let me say goodbye to Tiffany."

Roger rolled his eyes, "Why don't you just steal her?"

"Do you think I could?"

"Don't even think about it, Rebecca Jackson!" Freddie yelled from their bedroom and she laughed, crossing the room to give the cat one last cuddle.

"You'll be mine some day."

Roger held the door open for her and followed her out and ignoring Rebecca's protests about how Mary might still be sleeping, he made sure to slam the door behind him.

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now