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the thing ben hardy does with his mouth there tho

i hope everyone who celebrates had a lovely christmas. i wrote this chapter whilst being a little drunk again last night so if it doesn't make any sense that's why. i haven't even looked at it lol


How the fuck did she find herself in this situation?

All she had wanted, was a coffee before work but who did she just happen to run into?

Fucking Kerry.

Yep, the bubbly redhead was just on her way out the door but as soon as she caught sight of Rebecca, she insisted on getting another tea and sitting with her and since Rebecca is too nice to say no, the two of them were now squished at one of the small round tables near the back of the café, chatting away as if they were best friends.

Well, Kerry was talking. She was just sitting there toying with her napkin.

"So, how have you been since I saw you last?" Kerry asked, spooning some sugar into her cup.

"Since last week? I've been fine. Working mostly. I've just started a new job."

"Oh that's fun!" she said enthusiastically, "And how's Roger?"

Rebecca looked up at the sound of his name and still, she had that sweet smile on her face, "Are he and Brian still in Smile?"

"No," she mumbled, breaking a small piece off one of the croissants that were on her plate (she needed two to get herself through this conversation), "They're actually in a new band. Queen."

"Oh, what happened to Smile? They were good."

"They were," Rebecca agreed, "But I guess things just didn't work out. Freddie, their new singer, is really good. Amazing really. And the bass player they've added...I think they're gonna go far."

Kerry took a sip of her tea, "Really? I'll need to come see them then. When are they next playing?"

"They've just set off on a tour actually," she replied, "They're doing the university circuit. Three weeks I believe. If I heard Rog correctly."

The smile on Kerry's face turned a little more vindictive and she leaned forward to rest her chin on her hand, "You know, I was a little surprised when you said that you're Roger's girlfriend."

Rebecca ripped off another bit of pastry, "Oh really? How's that?"

She toyed around with a packet of sugar, the smile staying on her face, "Well when we were...together, I guess, I brought up the subject of, you know, making it official. But he told me that he wasn't the kind of guy to commit but said that for me, he'd try."

"That's great-"

"Though maybe I dodged a bullet," Kerry continued, cutting her off "Because every time I had a call from him, they were always out. Oh, and he proved the whole non-commital thing not even three days later."

Don't do it she told herself, she's trying to bait you.

But she had to know.

"What did he do?" she asked, finally raising her gaze to meet hers.

"They were on the university tour too. Anyway, me and a friend, we decided we'd go up and see them, surprise them,"

Rebecca didn't want to listen. But she had to. She'd had phone calls from him just like that.

He'd called her a few times over the week they'd been away and like Kerry said, they always seemed to be out. They couldn't have a decent conversation because it always seemed as if he was having two conversations with two different people.

And she didn't have to bet that there was a good chance that the other person was a pretty girl attempting to get with him.

"Look," she sighed, "Will you just tell me what he did? Please?"

Kerry knew exactly what she was doing. She was planting the seed of doubt into the poor girl's mind. She didn't care how much Rebecca liked Roger - she knew that if there was even a flicker of doubt, she'd end things. She'd want to protect herself from getting hurt.

And so when Rebecca told her to tell him, she leant closer, "We walked into the pub just in time to see him shove his tongue down some wannabe groupie's throat."

"Why are you telling me this?" Rebecca finally whispered, looking away from her intense stare, "Why?"

"Because," Kerry leant across the table to put her hand on hers, "I know what kind of guy he is. He says he'll change but he won't. There's always gonna be a prettier girl that he won't be able to control himself around. It's just funny how we seem to be in the same situation."

Rebecca didn't think there was anything funny about this at all.


All day at work, she thought about what Kerry had told her and honestly, it had affected her work.

She botched up a woman's make up, stabbed another in the cheek with a makeup brush and then to top it all off, she had dropped a bottle of perfume that she was returning to the fragrance counter.

She'd thought about it all day and the best conclusion that she came up with, was that it'd be best for everyone involved, that she end things with the handsome drummer. It was the last thing she wanted to do but it was for the best. She didn't want to let herself be hurt.

So at six o'clock on the dot, when the phone rang, she took a deep breath, downed her glass of wine and picked up the receiver, "Hello?"

From the other end, there was a lot of yelling and it sounded like there were two people fighting for the phone.

"Deaky, give me the fucking - Rebecca?"

Her lips twitched, "Hi, Roger."

"Hello love," he breathed, "Sorry 'bout that. John's being an arse."

"It's okay," Rebecca murmured, picking up the phone so she could take it to the couch. She'd need to be sitting down for this, "What are you doing? It sounds like a riot."

"Huh? Oh yeah, we're getting ready to go out. Freddie, piss off! You can ring Mary in a bit, yeah?"

"Roger?" this was it.


She felt tears well in her eyes, "Um...I-this, us, I think we should end it."

It was silent for a good twenty seconds before he laughed nervously, "What?"

"This," she repeated, a tear running down her cheek, "Us. The relationship or whatever it is we're doing."

The line fell silent again except for the background noise that was the rest of the boys and she heard Roger swallow.


"I..." she wiped at her eyes, "I just don't think that it's working."

Lies. Lies, lies, lies!

"Bullshit," he called immediately, "That's bullshit Bex and you know it. What's happened? Is it that bastard Jack? Has he said something to you?"

"Nothing's happened Rog," she whispered, "Think...think of it as me doing you a favour."

"What does that even mean?" he demanded, "Bex,"

"I just think it's for the best," she said, "I'm sorry, Roger."

"Rebecca, don't you dare."

She hung up on him.


lol pls don't hate me

idk if Smile ever did a uni tour but for the sake of this story, lets say they did. k, thanks

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