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Walking into Biba the next morning, Rebecca felt as if nothing could put a damper on her good mood.

Mary had told her to come in and see the manager around nine that morning but she didn't get there until after ten.

"There you are!" Mary exclaimed, pulling her into a hug, "I thought you weren't going to come!"

"Of course I was coming," Rebecca laughed, "You're giving me an opportunity to get out of that hell hole I call work!"

"What were you doing that made you so late?" Mary asked curiously.

What had taken her so long?

Well, when you wake up with a handsome young man beside you, one doesn't just simply get out of bed.

Rebecca had woken up on time - seven to be exact but as soon as she moved to get up, Roger had pulled her back down beside him.


"Where do you think you're going?" he asked as he began pressing soft kisses against her skin.

"I have to get ready." she sighed, tilting her neck to give him easier access.

"You don't work till twelve," he murmured, surprising her, "It's Thursday."

"How do you know that I don't work till later on Thursdays?" she asked, turning onto her side so she could look at him, smiling when he pulled the blankets up over her exposed shoulders.

"Freddie told me."

"Ohh," her smile grew, "You been asking about me?"

"Just a little bit."

She giggled as a light splash of pink spread across his cheeks and reached up, tracing his lips with her fingertips, "No one's ever asked their friends about me."

He caught hold of her hand and kissed it.

"I really have to get ready," she whispered, "I'm going into Biba to see about a job."


"I've to be there for nine."

Roger looked over her, toward her bedside table where her alarm clock was, a look of mock horror spreading across his face, "It's only seven!"

"I always get up at this time." she shrugged.

He shook his head and moved to hover over her, the ends of his hair tickling her face as he looked down at her, "That just won't do."

"What are you going to do about it, Mr Taylor?"

She got her reply in the form of a bruising kiss being pressed against her lips and her back being pressed further into the mattress.


Rebecca has had a few lovers in her life but not one of them compared to Roger Taylor. Not one of them looked at her the way he did. So passionately that it made her want to combust. 

She realised that she hadn't replied to Mary, who was still looking at her and she cleared her throat, pushing some hair behind her ear, "More like who was I doing..."

Mary's eyes widened while Rebecca gave her a little smile, opening her mouth to speak but a woman came through a door to the back. 


She spun around, "Yes! Yes, that's me and I'm so sorry that I was late. Public transport, right?"

 And as she followed the manager, who introduced herself as Linda, she turned around and wiggled her eyebrows at her friend.


She had gotten the job at Biba. Now all she had to do, was tell Jeremy that she was leaving.
Which really, wasn't going to be all that hard. She had been wanting to leave ever since she started. 

She got off the bus at her normal stop and meandered her way up to the studio, spotting Jack and Andrew outside having a smoke. 

"Brilliant," she muttered, tightening the grip she had on her bag's strap. 

"Becca," Andrew greeted. 

"Please don't call me that," she requested, "My name is Rebecca."

He held his hands up, flicking the end of his cigarette onto the ground, "Apologies. Hey, we're all going out tomorrow night, going to see some band, Queen."

"Oh really? That's cool!" she replied, then lowered her voice so they didn't hear her as she passed, "Good. Then you can hear how a band should play."

"Yeah, according to my girlfriend, they're pretty good," Andrew continued, "So, do you want to come with us?"

"Sorry," she said, looking over her shoulder before she disappeared into the locker room, "But I'm already going with my friends." 

"Maybe we could meet up?" Jack said eagerly, "All hang out together or something."

She scratched the back of her neck, "Yeah, maybe. Sorry, but I really need to go and clock in. Jeremy will have my head."

"Okay," Jack called as the door shut behind her, "Well we'll be there for eight!"


this is so short and i'm sorry

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