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the reunion everyone's been waiting for lol
also, how are we at chapter thirty already?
and i'm curious to know if you guys picture anyone as Rebecca?


The rest of their set is spent dancing with Mary and Hannah.

Every now and then though, Roger would glance her way, as if he was wanting to make sure that she was still there and that he didn't imagine it.

However, all good things must come to an end and as Freddie started to say goodnight, all of the excitement and adrenaline seeps from her and all Rebecca can do now, is shiver and it was as if she's completely forgotten that she's soaking wet.

"Come on," Mary says softly, "It's warmer in the dressing room."

She wants to stay where she is so she can see Roger come off stage but the thought of standing next to a warm heater is just too appealing.

"Hey, they'll be a while anyway," Hannah tells her as she leads a reluctant Rebecca down the corridors to the dressing room, "They tend to stay out front for a bit."

The dressing room is significantly warmer and she all but runs to the heater, resting herself against it while Hannah grabs something of John's to change into.

"How?" Mary asks, sitting down on one of the couches, "How on earth did you get Linda to agree to this?"

"I didn't have to," she shrugged, "Beth-"

She'd drowned out by a very excited Freddie and John barging into the room and as Freddie goes to Mary, John just stands in the doorway and points at her, mouth wide open, "How'd you get here?"

She laughs as he surges forward and wraps her in a hug, spinning her around a couple of times before putting her down, "We've missed you."

"Rebecca!" Freddie cheers, kissing her on the cheek, "I was wondering if you'd forgotten about us, darling! Now, I must ask, who is feeding our cats?"

"Forget about you, Freddie? I could never!" she smiled, "As for the cats, Mr Jenkins was more than happy to do it."

He looked at her for a few seconds before pulling her into a hug, "I must insist that you never not come with us again."

"What's all the excitement?"

Brian's just come through the door and John once again is pointing at Rebecca, "Look who's here!"

He glanced at her, "Oh, hello Rebecca."

She laughed, "Try not to sound too happy to see me, May."

His expression softened before he sighed, holding out an arm, "I'm sorry. Of course I'm happy to see you, love."

She threw her arms around his neck, quietly thanking him for easing her worries last night and he tutted, pulling back to look at her wet clothes, "You should change."

She rolled her eyes, "Once I see him."


Meanwhile, Roger is stuck in a pointless conversation with one of Mott the Hoople's entourage and while he's trying to look interested and be polite, he just wants to get backstage.

Rebecca is here.

That's all he can think when a crew member finally drags him away and he's not even close to the dressing room but he can hear Rebecca laughing and it's like music to his ears.

She's here.

Roger stops in the doorway and just looks at her. She's talking with John and Hannah -suddenly her wet clothes make sense-, laughing at something he's said and she's wearing her favourite green dress that's got little foxes all over it. Her clothes are damp and her hair has gone a bit curly from the rain but he swears she's never looked more beautiful.

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