seventy eight

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Roger leant up against the car, cigarette in hand as he waited for Rebecca.

She was sitting her driving test today and when he'd dropped her off, promising that he'd be back before she finished, she was nervous. Who wouldn't be?

Roger saw no reason for her to worry though. She was a good driver; she was cautious, always alert and he was proud to say that she hadn't picked up any of his bad habits - on the way over in, someone had pulled out in front of him and he'd laid on the horn while shouting at the idiot from his open window.

Her allocated time was eleven, which she thought was a perfect time since it was before the midday rush our and she'd been hoping that the roads would be quiet but he wasn't sure that would happen in London.

At twelve fifteen, Rebecca emerged clutching what Roger thought was the sheet of paper that looked identical to his but he gave her the moment, raising an eyebrow as she got closer, "Well?"

"I got it!" she squealed, making a few passersby look in their direction before she was throwing her arms around his neck.

"Knew you could do it!" he grinned, giving her a kiss, "Well done, love."

Her smile matched his as her feet found the ground again and he took the folded up piece of paper from her to see just how well she did.

"Well look at that," he mused, looking down to see the somewhat smug smile on her face, "No minors, no majors. A perfect test."

"A perfect test," she gushed, "That's what the tester said too."

Roger handed her the licence, which she tucked safely into her bag, "Must have been your instructor. What was his name again?"

Rebecca giggles and kisses his cheek, "Thank you for teaching me how to drive."

"You're very welcome. Now," he dangles his car keys in front of her, "Would you like to drive us home, Mrs Taylor? We still have lots to pack up."

She nodded enthusiastically, taking the keys from him, "Can't believe we're moving tomorrow."

Yeah, neither could he. They were finally getting out of that flat and not a moment too soon - Break-ins were on the rise in their area.

The plan was to get the house ready for Christmas, which was only a couple of months away and since Roger would be leaving for the first leg of their tour in a couple of weeks (their album was set to release next week and they'd be leaving the following one. Quick, yes but that's the way that their management wanted it to go. They had no choice), Rebecca would be doing everything on her own.

And Roger felt shit about leaving her with that but she said that she didn't mind. She was a little bit gutted about not joining them on the first leg of the tour, but the house was the priority and after Christmas, she'd go along with them and it's not like she'd be bored. Along with sorting the house, a couple of women had seen the flyers she'd put up and got in contact asking her for consultations. She had set those up for next week and if things went well and they liked what they saw, hopefully, they'd book her.

Roger opened the car door for her and once she had climbed in, he bent down so he could speak to her through the open window, "I love you but if you crash this car, I will have to kill you."

She scoffed and started the engine, "Perfect test, Rog. Perfect test."


Someone was in the flat.

Rebecca isn't sure what it was that woke her up but honestly, she didn't give a shit.

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