forty one

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The next morning, Rebecca woke up still sprawled on top of Roger, who was snoring away and she managed to slip from his tight grasp and get up without waking him.

Roger had insisted she bring her dressing gown, for him or her, she didn't know but she pulled it on anyway and when she heard someone downstairs, she decided to go join whoever it was.

As she opened the door, Roger shifted in his sleep and for a moment, she thought that she'd woken him but all he did, was let out a huff and turn over onto his stomach and Rebecca let out a sigh of relief and left the room.

It was still dark outside, leading her to wonder what time it was as she descended the stairs.

Clare was the one who was milling around in the kitchen but she looked over her shoulder when she heard Rebecca come in, giving her a little smile, "Morning. I didn't wake you, did I?"

"Hi," she murmured, glancing at the clock that was on the wall, "And no, don't worry. I'm always awake at this time."

"Do you want some tea? Coffee?" she offered, ducking down to look in the fridge and when she stood up with the milk in her hand, Rebecca took it from her.

"I'll get it. You look rather busy."

"Tea and coffee are in the cupboard to your left. Mugs," she kicked the cupboard closest to her, "Are in there."

"Got it," Rebecca smiled, reaching up to open the cupboard, "Tea or coffee?"

"Coffee please," she murmured, "We never really got a chance to talk yesterday. Mum was hogging you."

"I know," she said softly, "And I'd offer to help you make breakfast but Roger will tell you, I'm a pretty awful cook."

"You can crack the eggs," Clare smiled, "I mean, you can't mess that up, right?"


Roger woke to the sound of laughter coming from downstairs and when he leant in the doorway to the kitchen, he saw that his sister was at the cooker and Rebecca was sat at the table attempting to crack some eggs into a bowl.

"Oh god, there's the shell in there again!" his girlfriend cried as his sister laughed, "How is this so difficult?"

"You're not letting her cook, are you?" Roger teased, stepping into the kitchen to make himself some coffee.

"No," Clare laughed, "I was going to but after hearing that she burned butter, I reconsidered. How does that even happen?"

"It wasn't my fault," Rebecca huffed, "Someone distracted me."

"And who was that?" Roger asked, taking a sip of his coffee as Clare excused herself for a moment.

"You know fine well who it was."

He put his mug down and came to stand in front of her, leaning down to cup her face in his hands, "Good morning, love."

She hums when he kisses her, standing up so he doesn't have to strain his neck but she makes sure to pull away before his sister (or worse, his mum) appears.

"So," he claps his hands and turns to the cooker, "What is she making for breakfast?"


They were meeting Roger's dad at a cafe in the main street at one and when his mum offered to ring for a taxi, Roger insisted that it'd be fine and that they could walk.

It was cold out and so Roger made sure that she was appropriately wrapped up before they left, draping his scarf around her neck as they walked out the door.

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now