eighty one

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excuse me sir but who gave you the right to be so fucking cute? seriously though, what did we do to deserve Brian May? i love him so much

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excuse me sir but who gave you the right to be so fucking cute? seriously though, what did we do to deserve Brian May? i love him so much. am i going to sit and watch his program on saving hedgehogs? you bet your ass i am.


Rebecca's starting to think that there's something wrong with her.

It's been almost six months since she and Roger decided to start trying for a baby and they'd had no luck.

The first month and the first negative test, that was fine. They just accepted the result and moved on, tried again

By the third month, she'd done everything she could to better the chances of her getting pregnant; she's cut out alcohol, switched certain foods in her diet, got Roger to stop smoking and she's even started taking folic acid - which she read about in some newspaper article but again, the rest comes back negative.

That's when she suggested that maybe they should go to a doctor but Roger, being ever the optimist, told her that it would happen.

No one in their small group of friends know that they're trying for a baby. They didn't tell them in fear of getting their hopes up. And Rebecca's glad that's the decision they made because by month six, it still hasn't happened and John and Hannah announce that they're expecting baby number two.

And it kills her and she knows that even though he's not saying anything, it's hurting Roger too because that's what they want. Rebecca sees how he is with Charlotte and she's starting to think that maybe, just maybe, she can't be the one who gives him what he wants.

"It's going to be negative."

"Don't say that."

"Why would it be positive, Roger? Hasn't been any other time."

And so here they are again; another pregnancy test in the bathroom while the two of them sit on their bed, waiting for Roger's watch to go off, signalling that it's time.

They sit in silence until the obnoxious beeping goes off and Rebecca wordlessly stands and goes into the bathroom to check the result.

Roger stays put, pleading silently that this is it.

But when his wife slams that bathroom door shut and he hears the turn of the lock, he knows that once again, they've been unsuccessful.

He wants to get angry. God, does he want to throw something but he knows he can't. One of them has to be strong and when he hears Rebecca's cries, he knows that right now, it has to be him.

"Rebecca?" he says softly, tapping on the door with his knuckle, "Becca, love,"

"Go away, Roger," comes her muffled reply, "'m having a bath."

He sighs, looking over his shoulder to the bedside table where his wallet is and after picking it up, he grabs the first card he comes across and crouches down in front o the door.

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now