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i really can't believe this already has over 100 reads. thanks guys!


A couple of weeks went by with little to no contact with the band. Mary called every couple of days to invite her to a party or a gig but Rebecca was just so exhausted from work most nights that she had to turn them down.

That was until tonight.

It was early Saturday evening and Mary came over to her flat, demanding that she come to the party that Brian was having and since she had weekends off, she agreed with no hesitation.

So she got her glad rags on and her best heels and after having a couple glasses of wine in preparation, they went outside and flagged down a taxi.

When they arrived at Brian's, party was not the word that she would have used to describe what was happening, it was more of a gathering which, to be honest, Rebecca didn't mind. But apparently more people were coming later on.

When both she and Mary walked in, Freddie let an overdramatic gasp, "Mary, love, you've done it! You got her here!"

Everyone had laughed at that, including Rebecca as she let her eyes survey the room, taking in who was all here.

At least, that's what she kept telling herself. She kept telling herself that she wasn't looking for a certain blue eyed drummer. And then she opened her stupid mouth and said, "Roger not here?"

Brian and John shared a knowing look and Brian got up to fetch her a beer, "He's on his way. His van is playing up again."

"He should just sell that ruddy old thing," Freddie said as he came through from the kitchen with a drink for Mary.

"Then how would you get to gigs?" Rebecca asked.

"Speaking of," Brian said as he sat beside her on the couch, John on her other side, "Have you told them?"

Rebecca and Mary glanced at each other, "Told us what?"

"Queen is going on tour," Freddie said excitedly, catching Mary when she threw her arms around him while Rebecca just looked very confused.


"Well, if you'd ever bothered to come out and join us in our little shindigs, you would know that we, Smile, have changed our name to Queen." Freddie grinned and Rebecca could do nothing but take a large swig of her beer.

Brian, who was now over by the window of his flat, pulled back the blind, "Roger's here. Looks like he's brought some friends"

"Excellent!" Freddie all but yells as he moves to where Brian's record player is, "Then it's time to get this party started!"


She may stand at only almost five foot two, three if she's lucky but that didn't mean that Rebecca couldn't keep up with the rest of them on their alcohol consumption. 

She had beers with the lads, a couple of glasses of wine with Mary and a couple of others (she shouldn't really have been mixing her alcohol but hey, at this point, she was past caring. She was having fun and that's all that mattered to her). 

But what really, really impressed those around her, was the fact that she managed to beat Roger Taylor in downing a pint of beer. 

Even Roger was impressed and couldn't help but cheer along with the rest of the crowd when she held her hands up in victory. 

A little bit later, when the party is in full swing, Rebecca finds herself looking out of the window down onto to street below, where she can see Roger's van and she's surprised when she sees a pair of legs sticking out of the back of the van. She turned around to scan the room for him but then realises that it must be him because he's nowhere to be seen.

John comes through from the kitchen, handing her a beer and tells her it's for Roger when he comes back in. 

"Why are you giving it to me?" she asked and he smirks at her.

"He hasn't left your side all day, that's why."

She gives him a small push as he walks past and looks back down at the van again. 

Now, she knows she could easily wait for him to come back inside but for once in her life, she's gonna take a chance and decides to go out and take it to him.


Roger hears her before he sees her, hearing her shoes crunching against the gravel and he opens one eye to see her standing by his legs, holding out a bottle of beer for him.

"This is for you?" she says but it sounds like a question. 

"Are you asking or telling me?" 

"Telling," she mumbles, "Definitely telling."

He sits up and takes it from her and she wordlessly moves to sit beside him, "You not going back in?" 

"I'll go in a minute," he murmured, laying back down, "I just need a few." 

"Oh, has someone went too far?" she teased and lay down beside him before taking the cigarette from his hand. 

"I didn't know you..." he nodded to her hand. 

"I don't often," she shrugged, "Mostly if I've had a few, Y'know? Or when I'm stressed. Which is becoming a lot more frequent."

"Is your work that bad? I thought it'd be fun to sit and listen to bands recording."

"I thought that too," she admitted, taking another drag of the cigarette and then handed it back to him, "But when your manager is a prick and the bands you're listening to are shit, you start to wonder if there's something else you could be doing." 

"What's their name? We might have had a run in with them."

"SixtyDust." she replied and he scoffed. 

"What kind of name is that?"

She leant over and took a drag while he was still holding the cig, giving him a teasing smile when she moved back, "What kind of name is Queen?" 

"I didn't choose it," he pointed at her, "So tell me, what kind of music do SixtyDust play?" 

She shrugged, "I think it's supposed to be rock. But Jesus, they're so bad."


"Yeah," she affirms, staring up at the roof of the van while he stares at her, giving her a smile when she looks at him. 

"How many shags have you had in here then?" 

"Oi!" He squawks as she laughs, feeling offended that she'd even ask something like that, "This place is sacred space. Not just anyone can come in here."

Rebecca takes the cigarette from him once more, taking the last drag before moving to the van's doors to throw it onto the ground. "So none?" she asks, returning to his side and Roger doesn't let it show, but he's happy when she lies down next to him again but this time, she rests her head on his arm, which is propping his head up. 


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