eighty eight

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guys, there was a hedgehog in my garden last night and i got so excited and even though i only saw it for a couple of seconds -they can shift btw and i'm pretty sure it went under my shed- i felt like i wanted to protect this little creature with my life 🦔🦔


Rebecca truly was amazed at how fast Queen are able to pen down an album. Especially this new one. Compared to their other ones, where they gave themselves maybe four or five months to come up with material and record it all, they'd given themselves a lot less time - just two months and yet between arguments and holidays being taken, they'd done it and thus, News of the World was born.

And tonight was the launch party.

Normally these days, if there were parties and such, Rebecca would sit them out. She couldn't really join in with the festivities as much as she used to when she wasn't pregnant but tonight, she has to go. It's an important event, Roger and the band's big night and she is going to support her husband.

Roger enters the bedroom doing up his cufflinks while she's looking at herself in the mirror and he can't help but smile. The dress she's chosen to wear really lets her bump take centre stage and he absolutely loves it.

Though he watches her looking at her reflection, trying to get an indication of how she's feeling.

See, now that she's at the sixth-month mark, heading into the third and final trimester, Rebecca's hormones have started to get a little...unpredictable. She'd be laughing one minute and then twenty seconds later, she'd be crying on Roger's shoulder.

Almost everything made her cry these days; a sad RSPCA advert on the telly? Crying. Someone dies on Coronation Street? Crying.

Roger has even come home one night to find her crying while listening to You're My Best Friend as she folded some washing.

"John loves her so much!" she'd sobbed, hiding her face in the towel she'd been folding, "It's just so beautiful!"

He had to hide that record from her after that.

Apparently, the party was going to be held at The Prism but due to the shenanigans Freddie and Roger got up to the last time they were there, they had been banned from setting foot in the place and so Freddie took it upon himself to host the party in his fabulous house.

"Are you sure you that you want to go?" Roger asks as she attempts to clasp her necklace around her neck.

She nods, giving him a smile in thanks when he wordlessly steps behind her to help, "Yeah. It'll be nice to see everyone. Besides, Freddie will kill me if I don't go."

"You don't have to go just to please him," he says hands on her shoulders, "If I didn't have to be there, I wouldn't."

She catches his eye in the mirror, "You don't mean that."

"I do," he sighs, "I love Freddie, I do but ever since he split with Mary..."

They've still got ten minutes before the car the label is sending is due to arrive and so she sits on the edge of the bed, rubbing her stomach as he paces.

"He's late," he mutters, shaking his head, "And I know that I've had my fair share of being late but Bex, this is every day. Recording this album? He was late every single day and when he did finally show up, he's drunk or high. Sometimes both!"

"You've never told me any of this before," she frowns and he stops in front of her.

"You've got enough to worry about," he murmurs, "You don't need to be stressing about my problems too."

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