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Over the next few days, Rebecca spent her time at work in the recording studio and then at night, she'd spend her time at either Sophie or Mary's, where the three women would sit and listen to records and have some wine.

Right now though, she was in Biba, helping Mary tidy up the displays since she was the only worker in. She was straightening the men's dress shirts and she had to do a double take when she saw the man from the gig, looking ridiculously out of place as he went through the rack of women's jeans.

"Mary," she hissed, rushing over to where her friend was ringing up a customer, "Mary's look who's here!"

She looked to where she was not-so-subtly pointing and her cheeks flushed.

"Go!" Rebecca said, giving her a little push, "Go talk to him!"

She watched proudly as Mary approached him and easily struck up a conversation and decided that she'd take over serving people so they could get to know each other.

Ten minutes later, Mary came back with the man in tow who was holding a bunch of items in his hands and her with a bright smile on her face as she introduced him as Freddie.

"It's nice to meet you," Rebecca said, shaking his hand over the counter and, "Find anything nice over there?"

"I-I," he stuttered, "There wasn't a sign."

She laughed, "I'm kidding. What you have there, it all looks pretty snazzy."

"Dressing room is just down there," Mary pointed, biting her lip as she disappeared and Rebecca couldn't help but laugh again.

She was so smitten.


It turns out, that the lead singer of Smile, Tim, had quit (Rebecca really couldn't wait to tell Sophie that because she was going to be devastated) and it turned out, that Freddie was their new singer and he had invited both Mary and herself to the first gig that he was performing with them.

In the short time that they'd known each other, the three had somehow become very good friends.

So when the night came, at the earlier time of seven thirty, Rebecca met up with Mary and Freddie outside the university bar. He was going to introduce them to the rest of the band.

"Glad you could make it, darling," he said when she arrived, leaning in to give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Mary wouldn't let me miss it," she laughed, "Not that I would want to. You're gonna do great."

"Come," he took Mary's hand, "I'll introduce you to the lads."

He led the way through the people that were waiting and Mary reached back to grab Rebecca's hand too so they didn't get separated.

"They're out back getting their instruments," Freddie explained when they found themselves back outside again, "Lads? Come on now, don't be rude."

"What is it?" they heard a voice come from inside the dark van that was parked, "Y'know Fred, you could help us get the gear inside? But-oh, hello."

A tall man with long dark hair came around the side of the vehicle, surprise crossing his features at the sight of the two women with Freddie, "Who's this then?"

"This is Mary," Freddie said happily as she reached across to shake his hand, "And this is Rebecca, her friend. Mary, this is Brian."

"Rog, John," Brian said, looking back into the van, "Come say hello."

Rebecca swore her breath caught in the back of her throat as a blonde haired man jumped out of the back. He had a cigarette hanging loosely from his lips and the bluest eyes she'd ever seen.

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