ninety eight

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i do like that jacket he's got on here. and that necklace Dominique has on.


"Is it too soon? Do you think it's too soon?"

As she's putting on her necklace, she glances at Roger, who's playing peekaboo with Ellie on their bed and she clears her throat, "Rog?"

"Hm?" he finally looks up.

"I'm asking, do you think me going out tonight is too soon? I mean, she's only a month old."

She feels guilty, he can see it in her face as she looks up at him once more and sighing, he puts a pillow barrier around Ellie so she doesn't roll off of the bed and moves to stand behind her in the mirror. She looks incredible; wearing a magenta, soft to the touch jumpsuit - he thinks it's satin and it's the first time in ages that the two of them have looked this put together.

"You have nothing to feel guilty about," Roger tells her softly, putting a hand on her waist.

She shrugs, turning around and she glances toward the bed, smiling as Ellie kicks her little legs in the air, "She's just...she's still so little, Rog."

"If you don't want to go," he mumbles, kissing her cheek but she shakes her head.

"I do! This is Alice and Brian's night. It's just," he yelps when she grabs the front of his shirt, pulling him inches from her face, "What if something happens?"

"Bex, you're kind of pinching skin there, love." he winces and she immediately lets the shirt go, whispering a soft sorry, "And it's not as if we're leaving her alone - though I'm sure she'd love that. Your mum is here."

She nods, letting out a quiet breath. She has to relax but that isn't easy. This is the first time that they're leaving Ellie for a whole night. They'd decided to book into a hotel for the night so that they didn't disturb Morag and the baby when they rocked up in the early hours in the morning.

"You're right," she nods, kissing his cheek, "How long have we got before the car comes?"

"Five minutes," he sighs, turning to pick Ellie up again, "We'll get her downstairs to your mum, yeah?"

She nods, kissing the baby's cheek as he passes, "I'll be down in a minute."

Once she's pulled on her shoes, she puts on some lipstick, one of Roger's favourites and then sprays some perfume on her neck before she's heading downstairs.

Morag is bouncing Ellie on her knee when she enters the living room and once she sees her daughter's worried face, she smiles softly.

"Roger's telling me you're anxious about leaving this little one. Well, if it makes you feel any better, your dad and I went out a week after you were born. Some work event."

That didn't make her feel any better at all.

There's a knock at the door, signalling that the car had arrived and Roger goes into the hall to grab Rebecca's coat for her.

"Okay," she breathes, kissing Ellie's chubby cheeks a couple more times. She could do this. "Okay, there's a number on the fridge, where the bottles are for her, ring it if anything happens, yeah? Promise me, mum, you will phone if something happens."

"Of course I will!" Morag laughs, giving her a little push toward Roger, "Now please, Roger, take her out and have some fun!"

Out in the hallway, she can hear her mum talking to Ellie in a hushed voice and she thanks Roger when he helps her into her coat.

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now