eighty three

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It wasn't until Thursday that they got the phone call saying that their results were in.

Six days may not seem like a long wait for some people but to them, it felt like a lifetime.

Rebecca didn't want to go. She didn't want to go and find out what she already suspected - that she couldn't have kids but as he did on Friday, Roger made them some food but unlike the last time, he didn't force her to eat. In fact, he didn't eat anything either, he just read yesterdays newspaper again to take his mind off of it.

Rebecca watched him silently, sipping at her tea as he turned the page.


"Yeah, darling?"

Darling. That was a new one.

"Bex?" he asked when she didn't answer him, placing his hand on hers, "What's going on in there?"

"If it's bad news today," she starts slowly, trying to choose her words carefully, "I mean if it's me, I'd understand y'know, if you want-"

"Don't," he said sternly, shaking his head, "Don't say that."

"You didn't sign up for this, Roger."

He stands up and moves around the island to stand beside her, cupping her face in his hands to make her look at him.

"In sickness and in health, remember?" he whispers and she nods, "If I can't have children with you, I wouldn't have them with anyone else, Rebecca. I couldn't. It's always going to be you. Always."


They arrive at the clinic in record time and as she gazes at the building, releasing the breath that she didn't know she was holding as Roger cuts the engine.

They both sit in silence for a bit before they go in and he clears his throat.

"Hey, no matter what happens," he starts and Rebecca looks at him, "No matter what she says, we'll get through it, yeah?"

She nods and gets out of the car, holding her hand out for his when he walks around it.

Dr Johnstone is chatting away to the receptionist as they enter and the smile she gives them in greeting gives absolutely nothing away.

"Roger, Rebecca," she shakes their hands, "That was quick."

"Traffic wasn't that bad," Roger replies as they head towards her office.

"Would you like anything to drink? Coffee? Water?" she offers as she closes the door behind them but they both shake their heads.

"We'd kind of like to just get this done," Rebecca says, hoping that she's not coming across as rude but Dr Johnstone, having seen a lot of this just nods in understanding.

"Of course. Well, if you'd like to take a seat, I'll just go grab your file."

"Thank you," Roger says quietly, looking at Rebecca when she squeezes his hand.

"I think I'm going to be sick," she whispers and he brings her hand to his mouth, pressing a soft kiss to the skin.

The doctor sits back down across from them and looks at her, "Rebecca, we'll start with you."

"Okay," she almost whimpers and it's Roger's turn to give her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Well, as you know, we've got your bloodwork back and they show..."

She nods, wanting to close her eyes - maybe that'll soften the blow that she knows is coming but she can't. She can't look away from the woman's face but her hand does tighten its grip around Roger's.

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