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"So what did happen in that van?"

Rebecca laughed and took a sip of her coffee as Mary sat down with Sophie, "I told you. Nothing."

"Bullshit," Sophie shook her head, "You're telling me that you were in the back of a van with the handsome Roger Taylor and you did nothing?" 

Rebecca tried not to let it show that it annoyed her that her cousin thought Roger was handsome but the other two women could see right through the facade. 

"I don't know what to tell you guys. I met him two weeks ago. And I mean, I know what people say about him. I don't know how many people have told me about the number of women he's gone home with." she explained, toying with a nearby napkin, "I like him. I do but I don't want to be just another notch in his belt if you get what I mean."

Sophie nodded, "I get that."

"Yeah," Mary also agrees with them, "But I think you should know that since he's met you, he hasn't gone home with anyone. At all. Unless you count Brian since he was too drunk to get back to his place."

The revelation warmed her slightly but she didn't want to get her hopes up. Roger could easily get bored with her and move on to someone else. Apparently, something else he was good at. 

"Can we stop talking about this please?" Rebecca begged, "Please?"

"Okay," Mary nodded, "Then I think I should let you know that Freddie is planning on asking you to talk to Jeremy about letting them in to record for a reduced price."

"What? Well, you can tell your boyfriend that it's not going to happen. Because Jeremy's is a tight arse and doesn't let people get cuts. He won't even let me stay for my full shift if I've nothing to do. Hell, he's even sent me home with just two hours under my belt." 

"What an arsehole." Sophie scoffed, "You should just quit."

"I can't. You know I can't. My mum got me this job because she knows Jeremy."

"But he's a wanker!" Sophie yelled, ignoring the disapproving stares from the rest of the people in the small cafe they were in, "Come on, Becca. Do you really want to be stuck doing some cleaning job for the rest of your life?"

"What else can I do, Soph? I'm not academic, I couldn't get into college."

"Then do something else! You've been interested in makeup. You should do something with that!" 

"You're interested in makeup?" Mary asked, "You don't seem the type."

"I don't like wearing it," she muttered, "I like putting it on other people." 

"You should see her, Mary. She's like an artist." 

It was true. She did have an interest in makeup. When she was younger and still in school, she was the one all her friends would go to on the night of big dances or if they had dates so they could be done up by her. 

It was something to think about.

"There's a makeup counter in Biba," Mary said, "Someone's just going off on maternity." 


"Yeah. You should come in."

Rebecca smiled at her, "Thanks, Mary. Maybe I will. But speaking of work, I've got to get back to mine. I'll see you later."


In the short half hour she had been away, the number of coffee cups, empty beer bottles and cigarette ends that had accumulated in the studio was unbelievable. 

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now