sixty one**

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Before she can join her mother and Roger through in the living room, he enters the kitchen and starts rummaging through the cupboards to find the good biscuits - the ones they keep for when they've got people round.

"Did you hear her, love?" Roger asks as she puts the three mugs on a tray, "She got my name right."

"I did," she nods.

"It makes me uneasy."

"Oh thank god," she breathed, "Me too. I thought at first I was just being stupid."

Roger puts the plate of biscuits on the tray and takes it from her, "Given our track record with her visits, I think you're well within your right to feel like that. Are you ready?"

Nodding, Rebecca smoothed out the front of her dress and releases a deep breath, "Yeah. Like ripping off a plaster. Best to do it quickly."

Roger rolls his eyes as he follows her back through to the living room and puts the tray on their coffee table.

Rebecca sits down in the armchair and he sits on the arm, reaching forward to pick up one of the mugs to hand to her.

"Now," Morag says quietly, picking up one of the mugs, "What's this about? You're not pregnant, are you?"

"No!" Roger says quickly and loudly before looking down at Rebecca to confirm, "No?"

"No." she nods, giggling softly as she places a hand on his arm, "Rog, you know what we're telling her."

"Right," he whispers, "Of course."

Morag raises an eyebrow at their quiet exchange but doesn't interrupt as he nods his head, prompting Rebecca to look at her again.

"Mum," she began, unable to stop the smile from spreading onto her lips, "Roger and I are getting married."

They're met with silence, Rebecca's heart dropping into her stomach and she prays that her mum won't make a scene or kick off.

Roger is just staring at the woman, keeping the same polite smile on his face.

And Morag just looks at them and it's times like these that Rebecca wishes she could read minds just so she could know what her mum was thinking.

"Married," her mum repeats, a frown tugging at her lips.

When Morag used to think about her daughter getting, she didn't picture that she'd be getting married to a drummer in a famous rock band. She saw her with a good, hardworking man who would be able to look after her, someone who would be there all the time and who wouldn't be off on tour, most likely being led astray by his bandmates.

But she knows she can't let her Rebecca see that. She's wanting to try and make amends with her daughter, not put any more strain on an already failing relationship.

"Mum?" Rebecca asks, feeling her heart drop into her stomach when she sees her try to put a smile on her face.

Roger's squeezes her hand reassuringly. Silently letting her know that no matter what, he's going to be there.


And that was it.

"Congratulations?" Roger repeats and the woman nods.

"That is generally what people say when someone announces their engagement, Roger."

That was twice in the space of half an hour that she's got his name right and it's still really freaking them out.

"You're congratulating us?" Rebecca asks.

"Would you rather I didn't?"

"No," Roger says once again, "No, we'll take it. Right, Bex?"

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now