ninety three

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"No, Roger."

"What about Jules?"

Rebecca lowers her book to glare at him, "No."

"Jules is a great name!" he tries to protest but one last look from her has him holding his hands up, "Alright. Then how about..."

"If this has anything to do with Last of the Summer Wine, I'm divorcing you," she says seriously, picking up her mug of tea.

"It doesn't," he promises, "If Sprout is a girl, how about Taylor-Anne?"

Rebecca takes a loud slurp of her tea, "Taylor-Anne? You'd want to name our daughter Taylor-Anne Taylor?"

"I think it's got a nice ring to it."


He huffs and crosses his arms, pouting like a child, "You've shot down every single one of my ideas. Let's hear some of yours then."

"I've shot them all down because I think they're awful. And I don't have any. I don't think we'll know their name until they're here. Even if we agree on a name, I know we're going to take one look at their little face and say it's wrong."

"So you want to wait?"

She nods, "There's no rush. We have forty-two days after Sprout is born to do that."

Roger furrows his brow, "Is it just me or is Sprout starting to sound really good?"


"Alright," he laughs, pointing to her mug, "Refill?"

It was just a waiting game now. Rebecca thought that she was in labour a couple of days ago but it turned out to be a false alarm and now, Roger had forced her onto the couch where they'd spent the majority of the last two days. He wasn't letting her do anything and while it had been fun at first, now she was bored.

"Ow," she mumbled as Roger returned from the kitchen. She could feel Sprout squirming around in there and while it did make her smile, it wasn't exactly the most comfortable of things to experience any more. There wasn't a lot of room.

"You okay?" he asks, placing the two mugs down on the coffee table before taking his seat by her feet.

"I'm fine," Rebecca sucked in a breath when there was another harsh assault on her insides, "Christ. Sprout is active today."

"Does it hurt?" he frowns, leaning forward to rest his forehead against her stomach.

"Careful," she muses, "Might get a foot to the face here."

Laughing, he moves away but puts his hand there instead. "Hey," he soothed, rubbing the spot slowly, "We've talked about this, haven't we?"

Sprout had always reacted more to his voice than hers. Sometimes, all Roger had to do was start talking for them to start kicking.

"You've got to be nice to your mum, don't you?" he pauses to let the baby kick again, as if he was getting a verbal response and he tuts, making Rebecca giggle, "Hey now, less of that. I know you haven't got a lot of room in there now but we're just waiting for you to make a decision. They get that from you."

"Excuse me," she laughs, "Mr I don't know what shoes to wear to this meeting. Took you almost an hour and you ended up going with your pink converse."

"They're comfortable!"

"They looked ridiculous with that suit."

"Anyway," Roger says loudly, shutting her up, "What I'm saying, Sprout, is that you can come whenever you are ready. Just don't come tonight. Juliet Bravo is on."

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