sixty three

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"Alright, alright!"

It was two in the morning and someone was banging on their door.

The band had just returned from doing a whirlwind tour around the U.K. before jetting off to open Rio's Rock in Rio? and to say he was exhausted was an understatement. The last thing he wanted was to be rudely awoken.

Roger tugged on a shirt as he stumbled out from the bedroom, Rebecca following anxiously behind him but he held out a hand to stop her from coming out into the living room.

"Who could it be? How'd they even get in the front door?" she asked quietly, rubbing her tired eyes, "Do you want the baseball bat?"

"What? We don't have a baseball bat."

"We do," she nodded, "I bought one last week after the people across the road got broken into."

"Jesus Christ," he muttered, pointing to the bedroom again, "We are fucking moving."

She shrugged. Who was she to argue?

Roger pressed his eye against the peephole, his shoulders relaxing which made Rebecca relax.

"Who is it? If it's John again, I'm going to kill him. He can't keep turning up here after a night out with Freddie and is too scared to go home."

"It's Mary."

"What?" Rebecca shoved him out the way and pulled the door open, frowning at her friend's dishevelled appearance, "Mary? What-"

"Can I stay here tonight?" she asked, cutting her off, "I know you don't have room but I can take the couch and I know I could have gone to Hannah's but you're closer and-"

"Mary, hey, it's okay," Roger says, reaching out to take the bag she was clutching, "Come in, love."

"Thank you," she says quietly, "I'm sorry that it's so late."

"Don't worry about it," Rebecca hummed, "Do you want a drink?"

"No thanks," she whispers, sitting down on the couch and Roger gives Rebecca's arm a squeeze before he disappears back into the bedroom, leaving them to talk.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she sits down beside her.

"Not really," she sighed, "Is it okay if we don't talk about it right now? It's been a horrible night and I'd rather just get some sleep."

Rebecca nods sadly, "Of course it is. I'll get you a blanket."

"Thank you."

Roger's stood on the bed by the jammed window, blowing the smoke from his cigarette out into the night air but his attention is solely on her when she comes back into the room, "Is she alright?"

"I don't know," she replies, "She doesn't want to talk about it right now."

"Does she want to sleep in here?" he asks, climbing down once he's put his cigarette out, "I'll take the couch."

"Look at you," she grins, pinching his cheek lightly as he walked by, "You're so sweet."

"Don't tell anyone."

Mary didn't take him up on his offer so after getting her comfortable, Rebecca returned through to their room, shut off the light and crawled back into bed.

Sleep started to come easy for Roger but the same couldn't be said for her and she tossed and turned for a good two minutes straight before letting out a huff, glaring up at the ceiling.

"What's wrong?" Roger whispered into the darkness as he turned onto his side to face her.


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