sixty eight

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"How do you feel about me maybe taking my makeup skills further?"

Now, don't get her wrong; Rebecca loves touring with the band and touring with Roger. They pay her remarkably well, too well she might say but for them to pay her, she's got to actually be doing her job.

And the band won't be touring again until their new album is finished and until Charlotte is at least a few months old.

"What's that, love?" Roger asks, not looking up from where he's looking at the house listings in the local paper.

There was another break in down the road a few days ago and this time, the couple who live there were threatened by men with knives and that was the final straw.

With A Day at the Races now in production, Roger knew that he wouldn't be getting home till maybe one or two in the morning and he really didn't feel comfortable having her be here in the flat alone. Especially if shit like that was happening on their doorstep.

"My makeup? My own business perhaps?" she repeats, poking his thigh with her foot when he doesn't reply again, "Roger."

"I'm listening," he says, finally putting the paper down, "Your own business?"

She shrugs, "Maybe. Was thinking that I could become a mobile makeup artist or something along those lines. Once I pass my driving test of course."

"What about the band?" he frowns, massaging her foot and she smiles.

"It'd just be when you guys aren't touring. I need something to do, Rog."

He nodded. He knew that she was getting bored sitting around the flat almost every day, "If it's something you really want to look into,"

"It is."

"Then you know I'll support you in any way that I can." he said, smiling when she squealed happily and crawled across the couch to wrap her arms around his neck, a firm kiss being pressed against his lips.

"Thank you," she whispers, looking down at the paper that's on his lap, "Found anything?"

"No," he sighs, throwing it onto the coffee table, "Everything's in the city."

"We should go to an estate agent," Rebecca murmurs, looking at the clock to check the time, "Half three? That one on Princess street should still be open."


"Well, you're the one who said the quicker we find somewhere, the quicker we get out of here, aren't you?"

"You're right," he nods, "Let's go."

She grins and gets up to put her boots on and when they leave the flat, Roger makes sure that the main door to the building locks behind them.

"Oh, I meant to say," Rebecca began as they started walking, their hands instinctively finding each other's, "My mum rang this morning."

"She did?" he asks, thumb running over her engagement ring, something he found himself doing a lot these days, "What did she want?"

"To go wedding dress shopping."

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