one hundred and one

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After a visit back to Katie (who once again happily agreed to be their doctor), it was revealed that she was only five weeks along so for now, with her advice, they kept things hush hush and while the two of them were, of course, ecstatic at the fact that they were adding another member to their family, both Roger and Rebecca had failed to take into account that he would be on tour for most of, if not the whole, pregnancy.

And this one was not as smooth sailing as the previous.

She got morning sickness, truly horrible morning sickness and Roger wasn't quite sure how many times he had been rudely awoken by the feeling of her standing on him as she climbed over him to get to the bathroom.

The band flew out to North America on the 31st of August but Rebecca just didn't feel well enough to go and so she made the decision to stay in the UK but promised Roger that when the morning sickness subsided, she and Ellie would be on the first plane out.

It was horrible, saying goodbye. They'd done it before but it was only once and even then, Rebecca had come out and joined them on tour just a few weeks later.

They'd stood in the terminals of Heathrow airport, Rebecca had cried, probably to the joy of the photographers standing mere feet away.

She hated it, the cameras. She just wanted to say goodbye to her husband in peace. Was that too much to ask for?

"'m gonna miss you," she chokes, face hidden against his jacket.

Roger sighs, softly kissing her forehead as his gaze moves towards Ellie, who's happily being doted on by Freddie and Jim, who was joining them for this part of the tour, "I'll miss you too."

"Is it selfish if I say that I don't want you to go?" she feels his smile against her skin.

"I think they might let it slide this time."

Finally, she looks up at him, eyes brimming with tears and he feels himself frown.

"Be safe," she breathes as he wipes away the tears with his thumb, "And behave."

"I will," he promises, "You too. I'll phone you as often as I can, yeah?"

She nods, "What do I do if Pippi runs away?"

He sighed again; he was starting to think that the dog was more trouble than she was worth. He's lost count of how many times he's had to chase her down the -thankfully- quiet road that's outside their home. She's small enough that she can fit through the gaps in the gate and she got all the way down to their other neighbours garden and you best believe that he covered said gaps in the gate with chicken wire that same day.

"She shouldn't be able to. That gate is puppy proof."

She nods, giggling again when he nuzzles her nose with his.

"If things get too much," he begins, "Hannah's just a phone call away. And if Ellie is too much and you're tired, ring my mum. You know she's always eager to get down here and help."

She silently nods again.

"And if you need me to come home at any moment, tell me, yeah? I'll be on that first plane back."

"I will," she says but it won't come to that. She'd never let it.

A tannoy crackles above them, announcing that their flight is starting to board and unable to help herself, Rebecca feels herself welling up again.

God damn hormones.

Roger pulls her into his arms again, swaying them gently before he leans down to kiss her.

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