fifty three

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soz about that shitty gif quality but i love him so much


It seemed as if the band had hardly even had a chance to breathe before Ray Foster and the other management at EMI were sending them back out to Rockfield Studios to write and record their new album; A Night at the Opera.

They were leaving in a couple of days and Roger wanted to at least have some things ready since they were going to John and Hannah's party that evening.

"Why Wales?" Roger huffed, tossing another pair of jeans into his bag, "What's wrong with London?"

"It's to get away from distractions."

"What even classes as a distraction?"

"Well," Rebecca got off the bed to wrap her arms around his torso, kissing her favourite spot between his shoulders, "I think my name was mentioned. As was Mary's and Hannah's."

"And taking John so far away from Hannah when she's pregnant. Shame."

She laughed, "She'll have me."

"And another thing. No visitors. What's that all about?"

"I don't know," she shrugged, "I didn't make the rules. Now, are you going to get ready to go? Hannah and John's party is starting soon and you're stood there in your boxers."

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

"Not usually," she agreed, kissing his cheek, "But when I'm trying to get ready, it is."

She disappeared into the bathroom and making sure the coast was clear, Roger returned into the bedroom and dug through his second drawer, where he kept his shirts to find the small square box that is still in there.

Nope, there was still no proposal. He just couldn't find a time that seemed perfect enough to do it. Or a place. It had to be perfect.

He makes sure to tuck the ring safely in one of his bags because although she doesn't mean to, Rebecca has a habit of finding things she's not supposed to when she's going through his drawers while looking for shirts. Like the necklace he was going to surprise her with a couple of days after they found out Sheer Heart Attack had gone to number two.

"You better be at least halfway dressed when I come out of here," he faintly heard her call from the bathroom.

"Or what?" he replied, pulling a shirt from one of his hangers, smirking to himself when he didn't get a reply, "That's what I thought."


Initially, it was only going to be family and friends at the party but as soon as they walked into the venue that they'd booked, someone (Freddie) had brought along more people than intended.

Roger, reaches back a hand and Rebecca slips hers into his, letting him guide the way through the dancing bodies.

"There's John," he says over the music and they battle their way through to where he's standing with his arm around Hannah's shoulders but when he sees them approaching, he leaves her side to come greet them.

"Rog!" he cheers, throwing his arms around his neck.


"Rebecca," he leans down and kisses her cheek, which makes her laugh. He's never done that before which can mean only one thing; John Deacon is well on his way to being drunk, "Looking lovely as usual."

She pinches his cheek lightly before moving around him to greet Hannah, who's looking at her husband with envy.

"How much has he had?" Rebecca asks as she gives her a hug.

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