seventy seven.five**

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It's the best birthday ever. There, she said it and nothing, absolutely nothing could ruin it.

She didn't think Roger could do anything else but then, he told her that he'd made dinner reservations at her favourite restaurant.

"You really are too good to me, Mr Taylor." he murmured as they returned to the flat later that afternoon.

"Nothing that you don't deserve," he was grinning as he came through from the kitchen, leaning down to kiss her cheek, "Do you know what you're wearing tonight?"

"No," she frowns, "You've sprung this on me. I'll need to go have a look but first, fancy a cuppa?"

He nods, "Yeah, just be a mo."

She shrugs as he disappears into the bedroom and steps into the kitchen and she can't wipe the smile from her face. They have a house. A gorgeous house that is away from the hustle and bustle of the city, that was secluded and had the large garden she wanted so bad.

She meets Roger when he's on his way back through from the bedroom and he takes his mug (which is still that horrible mustard coloured one) and he kisses her cheek again before sitting down.

"Are you enjoying your birthday so far?" he asks, making her nod enthusiastically.

"Yes. God, yes. Rog, I couldn't have wished for a better day."

But Roger isn't done yet.

"I'm excited about dinner," Rebecca says quietly, "Might wear that black dress."

"The one from the honeymoon?" he questions and she smirks while nodding, "I love that dress on you."

"I know," she teases, "Can I wear my favourite coat of yours?"

"The dark one? Of course...won't be able to keep my hands off you."

That's what she was hoping he'd say.

"Maybe I should go put it on now," she grins, leaning forward ever so slightly, "Give you a little preview."

"Maybe you should," he agrees, catching her bottom lip gently between his teeth.

Giggling, she sets her mug down and makes a beeline for the bedroom while he rests his head back against the couch and closes his eyes.

"Roger, is this another present?"

His eyes open again. He'd completely forgotten about the gift he'd put on her pillow that morning before they drove out to the house.

This is the gift he's most looking forward to giving her.

She returns through holding a small square box, "Rog?"

He gives her a grin and takes a sip of his coffee, "Go on then, open it."

"This is too much," she shakes her head, "Honestly, Roger. Three gifts? I can-"

He's had enough of her rambling and gets up after putting his own mug down, taking the little blue box "If you're not going to open it, then I will."

"If there's a set of car keys in that box I will kill you," she whispers.

"Why would I buy you a car if you can't drive?"

"It's something you'd do," she shrugs.

"It's not car keys."


He nods, "I promise."

She takes the box from him again and she finally opens it and Roger enjoys the gasp that leaves her mouth and she looks up at him with watering eyes, "How..."

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