fifty one

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She wouldn't admit this to anyone but Rebecca had been silently waiting for something to go wrong on this tour.

And something did indeed go wrong.

See, they were supposed to be leaving New York for Washington and had a flight to catch but as they all gathered down in the hotel's reception so they could grab something to eat before heading to the airport, it soon became clear when everyone sat down that someone was missing.

"Where's Brian?" Paul asked, running a hand through his hair and Rebecca was pleased to see that he looked rather stressed, "Is he not up yet?"

"He's probably just slept in," Roger said, "John?"

"Yeah, fast asleep when we left."

"And you didn't think to wake him?"

"He's a big boy. He can get himself up."

"Alice," Paul muttered, "Take John's key and go get him. We have to be at the airport soon."

"We handed the key back in at the desk," Hannah shrugged, holding up her hands when Paul glared at her, "What? We thought we were done."

He still hadn't forgiven them for running off to get married. Apparently, EMI weren't too happy.

"Relax," Alice said, "I'll get the key and go up."

"She really is a lifesaver." Rebecca hummed and Roger nodded in agreement.

"Thought that'd be your job, Paul. He could be lying up there dead for all we know."

"Roger!" both his girlfriend and Hannah scolded.

"Right," Paul clapped his hands, "That's enough. Come on, out into the cars."

"Alright," Roger muttered, "We're coming."

They met Alice in the lobby as Freddie was demanding that the new married couple had a reception when we got home (which Hannah was reluctant to let him plan) and she practically ran toward Rebecca, grabbing hold of her arm to pull her away from the group.

"Are you okay?"

"Brian's not well."

She frowned, "How do you mean? Has he been sick?"

"I don't know. He just said he wasn't feeling well."

She takes a look at the rest of the group, who are winding Prenter up about something and then looks back at Alice, "Come on, I'll come up with you."

"I've never seen him like this before," Alice breathes, looking over her shoulder at her while she opens the door to Brian's room.

As soon as she sees him, she knows that he's just not feeling well. He's sweating, itching at his exposed arms and well, Rebecca can't be exactly sure because of the lack of light but it looks like his skin is yellow.

"Brian?" she asks softly, reaching out a hand to check his temperature and immediately, he leans into her touch, "That feels nice. Your hand is lovely and cool."

He protests when she pulls it away but she ignores his groans as she looks at Alice, who's standing by the door.

"I'm going down to get the receptionist to phone a doctor and tell the guys. He's really not well."

"I'm fine," Brian tries to push himself up off the bed but Rebecca pushes him back down.

"Stay the-Alice, make sure he stays put. I'll be back in a bit."


"Can't believe this is happening," Roger says as they all wait patiently down in the hotel's lobby for the doctor's prognosis, "Fucking Brian."

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now