sixty six

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Roger wakes up to the room in darkness; his throat dry and his head thumping.

Regrettably, he turned on the bedside lamp, letting out a groan when it did nothing to aid his headache but he was relieved to see that there was a glass of water and some paracetamol in the table too, which he quickly threw back.

The clock read eleven at night and from outside in the living room, he could hear the low volume of the TV as he dragged himself from the bed. 

"Ah," Rebecca said, glancing at him when he appeared in the doorway and he winced when she tossed some cutlery into its drawer, "Sleeping Beauty has awoken."

He watched her closely, by the way her she was acting, he could tell that she wasn't happy.
"How's your head?" she asked.


"Good," she hummed, slamming the drawer she was standing beside, shut.

"Are you alright?" he stepped into the kitchen but stopped when she turned around.

"You tell me, Rog." Rebecca nodded to the worktop and his face fell when he saw the piece of paper that had come from the hotel.

"I ca-"

"A TV, Roger? Really? You threw a TV out of the window?"

His eyes narrowed, "How do you-"

"Know?" she interrupted, "I rang them."

Roger sat down at the table, resting his face in his hands, "Why would you do that?"

"I wanted to know exactly what we're having to pay for."


"You could have killed someone," she said, finally lowering her voice, "What the hell were you even doing at the Prism? It's all the way across the city."

"I don't know," he groaned, "I don't know, Rebecca."

"Did you go there after you rang me?"

He shrugged, "Maybe. Everything after being on the phone of you is kind of one big blur. There were these guys. We invited them with us and we wanted some champagne."

"So you went to the Prism?"

"Freddie apparently wanted the most expensive kind."

"Of course she did." Rebecca sighed, "You two are terrible together."

"We are." he nods.

"Where were Brian and John?"

Roger scoffed, "John was gone before eleven and Brian left not long after."

Rebecca ran her hands through her hair, "Please tell me this was a one-time thing."

"It was," he nodded, "I mean, if Brian was there-"

"He shouldn't have to be," she whispered, "Rog, you've got to know when to stop."

"I do!" he says loudly, immediately regretting it when his head throbs, "But Freddie can be very convincing."

"Hm," she says, getting up to refill his glass of water, "Maybe I'll need to have words with Mr Mercury."

"Maybe you should."

"Oh, before I forget." she said quietly, "Just in case you're not up, I'm going to get some breakfast with Alice tomorrow. Do you want something to eat?"

He shook his head, "No. Thanks love, but no. Think I'm just going to go back to bed."

"Okay," she smiles, leaning down to kiss his forehead.

"Are you coming?"

"In a bit," she hums, "I want to watch the end of this game show."

He gets up to follow her, wrapping his arms around her waist so he can rest her head on her shoulder, "Can't you come now? Wanna cuddle you."

"So needy when you're hungover." she laughed but grabbed the remote so she could shut off the TV.

He follows her into the bathroom so they can brush their teeth and Roger finally changed out of the clothes he's been wearing, crawling into the bed while Rebecca gets changed and when she climbs into the bed beside him, he's quick to shuffle over to her and rest his head on her chest and she smiles.

"This is comfortable." he hums to himself, "Gonna have to lay here more often."

"Go to sleep, Roger." she rolls her eyes.

"Yes ma'am."


Alice was late - something that really, Rebecca should have been used to and as she was waiting, she took her engagement ring off and put it into her bag - it kept catching on the woolen jumper she had on and she didn't want to ruin it and she looked up as Alice came barrelling into the café they agreed to meet at and she was spouting apologies before she even got to the table.

"I'm sorry," she breathed, "Woke up late."

"That's okay," Rebecca shrugged, "You're here now. Now what's up? You sounded a little flustered when you rang me yesterday."

"Oh," Alice sighed, "Well, it's just...god, this is embarrassing."

"You're not pregnant too, are you?"

"No!" her face flushed, "God, no."

"Just checking."

"You know how I told you Brian kissed me?"

"At the party? Yes."

"See, the thing is," Alice said, wringing her hands together, "When I told you that Brian had kissed me, I didn't tell you that it was...kind of my first one."

"Your first kiss with Brian?" Rebecca was confused.

"My first kiss ever."

Her eyebrows shot up. Now that, she didn't expect to hear.

"Brian's my first boyfriend." she said sheepishly, "And I know it's embarrassing b-"

"It's not embarrassing," Rebecca shrugged, "Can I ask how you've never..."

"Never really had the time," she mumbled, "I was big on my education. Wanted to do well so I pushed all social things to the bottom of my priorities list. And then I left school."

"So you want some advice on having a boyfriend...?"

"No," she shook her head, straightening up, "Brian knows he's my first boyfriend. And he's sweet, god Becca, he's so sweet but I'm scared he's going to get bored. Because obviously, he's going to want to do stuff but I'm scared. Nervous is a better word."

"Well," Rebecca stirred her tea, "I don't think you should be scared of him getting bored. Brian's a patient man and he's not going to push you to do anything you don't want to do."

"But that's the thing," she pushed some hair out of her face, "I think I want to. But I'm scared."

"This is Brian May we're talking about," Rebecca reached over and placed her hand on hers, "If I could go back to lose my virginity to anyone, I'd want it to be someone like Brian."


She nods, "Let's just say that my first time wasn't the best. It was painful and with a guy who in hindsight, was a selfish arsehole. It wasn't what I thought it was going to be at all..." she trails off when she sees that Alice is looking at her with wide eyes and she quickly clears her throat, "Of course, that's not going to happen here."

"You think?"

Rebecca nods, "Talk to him, Alice. You need to tell him how you're feeling about all of this. And when you're ready that you want to take things further, I have no doubts that he's going to be nothing but a gentleman about it. Brian cares about you."

Alice gives her a smile, this one a lot more relaxed and comfortable and she can't help but grin back.

Her work here was done.

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now