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quick question, do you guys want smut? is anyone good at writing it because personally, i am shocking. any tips would be very much appreciated! i'll give it a go but i'm not promising anything!

also, i can't believe that this has almost 6,000 reads! that's insane!


The next morning, she was awoken by both the early sunlight shining through the small window by Roger's bed and by the feeling of his fingertips dancing up her arm.

For a few minutes, she just lay there with her eyes closed, enjoying the feeling until she felt him press a kiss to her exposed shoulder.

"Morning," he rasped, smiling against her skin when she shivered.

Rebecca turned to lay on her back, finally opening her eyes to look at him and she swore that he'd never looked more beautiful; his hair was a mess from her incessant tugging and there were numerous love bites scattered across his neck and collar bones.

She reached out to brush over the closest one, giving him an apologetic smile, "Sorry."

He gave her a lazy grin in return, "'m not complaining."

They lay in silence for a couple of minutes before she sighed and looked at his clock, seeing that it had just gone half past eight. She had to start getting ready now since she had to go back home before heading to work.

"Can I use your shower?" she asked, making a move and she sat up while making sure to keep the covers pressed against her chest.

"'course," he nodded, "Can I join?"

She laughed, looking over her shoulder at him, "As tempting as that offer is, I think we both know that I'd never get out."

"All the more reason."

She rolled her eyes and finally stood up from the bed, feeling Roger's eyes on her as she picked up his shirt from last night and he let out a loud groan when she pulled it over her head.

"You're killing me, beautiful."


While Roger was in the shower, Rebecca made them some breakfast and by the time he emerged, she was plating up some bacon and a couple of bits of toast.

He leant against the doorframe and watched her move around the small kitchen area, realising that he liked how it was as if she'd been here before.

He wasn't really one for bringing women back here. If he hooked up with someone on a night out, they would always go to her place.

"I hope this is okay," he was snapped out of it by Rebecca speaking, "It not're out of eggs."

"Of course it's okay," he said, taking a bite of the bacon that was on his plate - extra crispy, just the way he liked it, "If you want, I can swing by your place and then to the studio. I'm heading over to Bri's to go over some last minute things for the tour."

"Oh," she came to stand by his side, pressing a kiss to his cheek, "You're a lifesaver, Roger."

After a quick stop at her place, they were now pulling up outside the studio and to both of their dismay, Jack and Andrew just happened to be outside having a smoke.

"Do you want me to walk you in?" Roger asked, cutting the engine.

She shook her head, not tearing her eyes away from the two men, "No, it's okay. I'm going to have to face him alone anyway."

"Remember what I said, yeah?" he tapped her chin lightly, getting her to look at him, "You can ring."

"You're working too, Rog."

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