seventy two

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Rebecca feels as if she's on cloud nine. And while everyone else has made their way across the road and into the function room of the hotel, where there's a glass of champagne waiting for them, she and Roger slip away for a little bit of time alone with each other before they have to step into the chaos.

She had seen the guest list and she's relieved that Freddie seemed to have listened to her when she asked for it to be friends and family only.

Roger leads her out into the hotel's grounds, where they just walk in a comfortable silence.

Of course, friends and family being invited meant that the two of them were going to have to spend a lot of time apologising to people and explaining why they not everyone got an invite.

"What are you thinking about, Mrs Taylor?" Roger asks, snapping her from her thoughts and Rebecca has to bite her lip to suppress the big cheeser of a grin that threatens to take over her face.

"Nothing," she says, looking up at him. That didn't matter right now. She brushes a couple of threads from his blazer, "Look at you all handsome."

"Me?" he asks, stepping back, "Look at you."

"This old thing?" she asks, pulling gently at the sleeve of her dress, "Had this ages."

Roger's looking at her with an expression that can only be described as pure love, an expression that is reserved only for her and it will forever be only for her. She is the love of his life.

He steps closer and gently cups her face, forehead pressing against hers, "Luckiest man in the world, I am."

"Who knew you could be so sappy," Rebecca giggles, standing on her toes to kiss him, which he happily reciprocates.

"We should head in," Roger whispers when he pulls back, running his fingertip over her bottom lip and she sighs.

"We're going to have some explaining to do, aren't we?"

"Yeah," he nods as they start walking back to the building, "But we don't really have to explain ourselves to them, do we?"

"'m not sure they'll see it like that."

"Then fuck 'em."


They're stopped by Freddie before they can step into the function room and he disappears to tell the DJ to announce their arrival to their guests.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please be upstanding so we can welcome the bride and groom, Mr Roger Taylor and his beautiful new wife, Rebecca."

Rebecca grips his hand tightly as they enter the room; a group of thirty to forty people, that's nothing to Roger. He's played in front of hundreds, thousands even but to her, it's not something she's at all comfortable with.

The place looks spectacular. Freddie's done a great job for them. There's no meal, but there are tables pushed up against the far wall with a selection of buffet style foods available. Tables that are all filled with people are surrounding the dancefloor, which the two of them stand at the edge of while they wait for the cheering to quieten down.

"Now, I believe that your good friend Freddie is coming up to say a few words," the DJ announces and Roger and Rebecca look at each other in confusion as Freddie emerges from the crowd and climbs up onto the stage.

"I will keep this short, lovies, I promise," he says into the mic and holds up his glass of champagne, "Roger, Rebecca, I think I speak for all of the people in this room when I say that we wish the both of you all the happiness in the world. I mean it from the bottom of my heart when I say that you deserve it. You're two of the most beautiful people I have ever met, inside and out and I wish you nothing but good luck in this new adventure you're about to embark on. To Roger and Rebecca."

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now