twenty five

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With the start of the tour just over a week away, Roger knew that he had to ask Rebecca to accompany him on the adventure soon.

It was two in the morning and the two of them were still awake, having spent most of the last hour trying to work out where they were going to put the vast amount of shit that he had in his flat and finally, she'd had enough and got up from the couch to go through to the bathroom, where he heard water running.

"What are you doing?" Roger called, tossing the piece of paper he'd been writing on off to the side, getting up to follow her.

"'m in the mood for a bath." she shrugged when he popped his head around the bathroom door.

"It's two in the morning."

"So?" she asked, pulling her shirt over her head and tossing it past him out into the other room.

"Thought you'd be tired, s'all." he mumbled, biting his lip as she bent over to pour some bubbles in.

"If you're tired, go to bed," Rebecca smiled, turning to look at him again, "Or, you can join me. I know which one I'd prefer..."

Before she'd even finished speaking, Roger was pulling the white shirt he was wearing over his head and she couldn't help but laugh.

"Thought you'd like that idea."

He shrugged and kicked off his jeans, "A bath actually does sound nice. Having my very naked girlfriend pressed against me, however, is just a bonus."

"In your dreams, Taylor," Rebecca scoffed, "You'll be at one side and I'll be at the other."

At this moment, Roger hated the fact that her bath had a tap in the middle. So he couldn't even use the excuse of the taps digging into her back to entice her closer.

With the tub adequately filled, Rebecca shut off the water and quickly discarded the rest of her clothes before climbing in while he leant against the door and just watched.

"Well?" she asked after a couple of silent seconds, "Are you getting in or not, Rog?"

"'m not sitting at that end," he shook his head, gesturing to the shampoo bottles that were lined up along the edge, "I'll knock all the bottles off."

"Oh, don't be ridicu-"

"C'mon, scooch forward love. That's it."

She gave up trying to protest and did what he said. "You're going to be so uncomfortable," she said as he sat down behind her, long legs appearing on either side of her before he was wrapping his arms around her waist.

"There," he whispered, "Much better than if I was all the way over there."

Smiling, Rebecca rest her head back against his shoulder, smiling when he kissed her forehead.

"Can I ask you something?"

She was toying with his hands; holding her small palm up against his, marvelling at just how much bigger they were but her head tilted back when he spoke, giving him her full attention.

"Of course."

He cleared his throat, "Well obviously the tour is starting soon,"

"I know," she interrupted, "Isn't it amazing? You must be so-hey!"

He'd given her hips a light squeeze to stop her from talking, which made her squirm and that sent some of the water, she may have filled it a little too much, cascading over the side and onto the floor.

"Sorry," Roger laughed when she gave him a look, "But I'm kind of trying to ask you something, love."

"Oh," she murmured, going back to playing with his hands again, "Then ask away."

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now