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"I can't believe you're married," Rebecca gushed, inspecting the two rings that now rested on Hannah's ring finger, "God, they're beautiful."

While the boys had gone on ahead to the venue, the two women had decided to stay at the hotel and go to the spa.

It was the perfect opportunity for Rebecca to question her about the hasty nuptials.

As promised, Mr and Mrs Deacon arrived in the Big Apple the day after everyone else, where they got an absolute rollicking from Prenter for running off without telling him.

He honestly acted as if he was their dad sometimes.

Hannah told her about how it was just the two of them and some random older couple who they had pulled off the street to be witnesses and how they'd spent the night in the most awful motel, eating take out and watching a crappy movie on the smallest t.v.

"I didn't care though," she smiled, "I married the man I love."

If Rebecca could have melted, she would have but instead, she let out a dreamy sigh, "How romantic."

"We would have waited," Hannah said as she browsed colours for her nails, "But if my mum and dad found out about the baby being...they're just weird about stuff like this."

"Speaking of the baby..." Rebecca chose a nice powder blue for hers, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay," she shrugged, "Mornings are the worst. Well, I was up three times during the night being sick. Brian, bless him, I don't think he got much sleep. If any."

"Oh," Rebecca frowned, "Yeah, I saw him this morning. Didn't look too good."

"Think he'll be relieved when he gets his own room in Washington. I feel awful."

"It's not your fault," Rebecca said softly, "Just think, at least you didn't wake him having sex like Rog and I did."

"Now that's true."

"Hey, do you want to grab something to eat after this and then we can head to the venue?"

"Ugh, yes," Hannah groans, "I was hoping you'd say that. 'm hungry all the time."

Giggling, Rebecca sighed and rest her head back against the comfortable chair she was in, "Alice should be here. Mary too."

Alice was to be there with them, it was supposed to be her day off but due to Paul being an absolute prick, he made her go with him.

"Does Mary know?" Rebecca then asks, "About the baby?"

Hannah looks a little bit sheepish as she smiles, "I freaked out, Becca. I mean, I was there by myself-"

"So you didn't know when we left?"

"Oh no, I knew. I found out a couple of days before. But I couldn't tell John."


"Because he was going on tour in America. The band were finally getting somewhere and I...I just couldn't."

Rebecca reaches over, ignoring the manicurist's disapproving look, and put her hand on Hannah's shoulder, "You've told him now though. And the guys."

"I know," she laughed, "And I know you're not supposed to tell anyone for the first twelve weeks but then I told you and Roger and then John, obviously and he was just so excited to tell everyone else..."

"It is exciting," Rebecca agrees, "But I'm not going to lie, I thought Bri would be the first."

"You and me both."


Everyone thought that since it was his girlfriend, no wife, who was pregnant, it would be John who would be the one waiting on Hannah hand on foot but imagine their surprise when it turned out to be Freddie who was the one to bring her drinks or be the one to kick Roger out of the comfiest looking seats.

John was hardly getting a chance.

Hannah and Rebecca arrived at the venue with an hour before they went on, which would give Rebecca enough time to get them all ready.

Of course, Roger lit up when she walked into the dressing room and abandoned the conversation he was in the middle of with Freddie to greet her.

"Hello, love," he hummed, kissing her cheek, "Your skin is lovely and soft."

She giggled as he rubbed his nose against her skin, "That's the power of a facial, Rog."

"Freddie," Hannah laughed, making the two of them look over at them as the singer took her hand and dragged her toward the couch that was backstage, "Freddie, honestly. You don't need to do all this. I'm fine."

"No, no," he said loudly, "We need you comfortable."

"John," she begged, "Can you tell him that I'm fine?"

Her husband grinned and handed her a bottle of water, "No can do, love."

"Ugh," Alice muttered, "You're all so nauseating. And here's me. Single."

"We could always fix that," Rebecca said, just low enough for her to hear as she wiggles her eyebrows in Brian's direction and to her satisfaction, Alice's face turned a brilliant scarlet.

Did she honestly think that no one would notice? Not notice how she was always sticking by the guitarist if they went out? The longing looks that she would give him?

Honestly, she was as subtle as a brick through a window in broad daylight.

"Shh," she hissed, casting a wary glance over to Brian, who was completely oblivious and was strumming along to the beat Roger was now tapping on the table in front of him.

"You should go for it," Hannah says, dropping in on the conversation, "You would be cute together."

"Guys, stop." Alice pleaded, hiding her face with her hands as the other two laughing gained the attention of the two men.

"What's so funny?" Roger asked, raising an eyebrow and Alice stood up.

"Nothing!" she said loudly, "I-Paul. I mean, Paul needs me."

The girl's laughter increased as she scurried off toward the door and Rebecca stood up and reached for her makeup bag, "Right, who's first? Brian?"

He shook his head and got up from the couch he and Rog were sat on, "I'm fine, Rebecca. Thanks though. I'm actually just going to have a lie down till we go on."

Hannah looked down and toyed with hands, "I'm sorry, Brian."

"No, Hannah, it's okay," he breathed, patting her shoulder lightly, "Honestly. You're fine."

"Okay then," Rebecca hummed, turning her sights on Freddie, who wordlessly sits down and pats his legs, inviting her to come sit.

"Work your magic, darling!"


ya girl is on holiday from work for a week so you know what that means

ya girl is on holiday from work for a week so you know what that means

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