fifty six

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look how happy he is. he's so cute. also, we have reached 200k! thank you to each and every one of you who have supported this story. you are incredible


Rebecca wishes she had a camera handy to capture Paul's face when he walked into the kitchen later that afternoon to see her standing next to Alice, cutting up some vegetables for dinner.

It was a picture.

"Hi, Paul." she greeted.

"Rebecca," he replied, giving her what she thinks was supposed to be a smile, "What are you..."

"Doing here?" Alice finished, "Well, seeing as you disappeared when Roger decided to lock himself in the cupboard,"

"So you dragged his girlfriend all the way up here?" Paul scoffed, "You couldn't have dealt with it yourself?"

"I tried," Alice replied curtly, "But he was refusing. He said something about a song and Rebecca a-"

"Wait," she cut in, "Roger asked you to ring me?"

Alice nodded.

"And he got his way," Brian said as he entered the kitchen carrying four empty glasses, "Again."

Rebecca sighed and took a couple to refill them with water, "I'm sorry, Bri. I'll leave in the morning."

He shrugged, leaning against the counter next to Alice, their arms brushing as they did so and the young woman's cheeks flushed, "I'm not complaining. He's good at getting what he wants."

Rebecca went back to cutting vegetables, pretending not to notice the soft smile that was on his face, "How long do you guys think you're going to be?"

"Shouldn't be long I imagine," he replied, "We're just working through the vocals for this song and then we should be in. Wish me luck,"

When he disappears, Rebecca is quick to put her knife down and move to stand beside Alice.


"You and Brian," she said simply, "I saw the brushing of the arms, the smiles. What's happened?"

Alice turns to the sink and pretends to wash an already clean mug, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Rebecca grabs hold of her arm, "Have you two, you know?"

"God, no!" she says loudly, "I mean, no. But..."

"But?" Rebecca repeats, inching forward, "Please tell me you have at least kissed him because the tension I felt just there...woah."

Alice sheepishly nods and she squeals, dragging her over to sit at the dining table, falling into the seat across from her, "When?"

"Hannah and John's party."

Her gasp is audible, "Two months. You've kept that quiet for two months?"

"We're private people." Alice shrugs.

"Fine," Rebecca held up her hands, "But can you at least tell me how it happened? Then that'll be it. No more questions."

"Okay," Alice groaned, wiping her hands on her jeans, "I went outside at the party and Brian joined me."

Rebecca vaguely remembers that Brian had been looking for her that night and she'd sent him outside.

"My face must have been tripping me because he asked what was wrong and the next thing I knew, I was crying on his shoulder and telling him that they're moving me."

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