twenty three

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This is not how she expected the first time of Roger meeting her mother would go.

She woke up that morning to a knocking on her front door and after pulling on shorts and Roger's shirt, she'd made her way through to answer it.

She didn't think that her mum would be on the other side.

So now, Rebecca was nervously glancing at her bedroom door, where Roger was still sleeping, as her mum looked around her flat, eyes spotting the boots that belonged to Roger by the door and his jacket which was draped over the back of her couch.

"Mum," she began nervously, "What are you doing here?"

Now, though she and her daughter were close when she was younger, Morag Jackson regretted the fact that the two of them just didn't have the same relationship. When Rebecca moved out and into the city, things just weren't the same. They hardly ever saw each other except for holidays and birthdays.

"You never told me you have a boyfriend," Morag said quietly, "I thought that would be something you'd be happy to share. You know I've been waiting for you to find someone."

Jeez, she's only been here five minutes and she's already laying into me

"And who did I have to hear it from that you've moved in with him? Sophie. Honestly Rebecca."

She stayed quiet, shuffling her feet slightly as her mum finally turned to look at her, eyes flitting down to look at both her attire and the fact that her neck was covered in a ridiculous amount of small, purple bruises, "Sorry, mum."

The thing is; technically Roger might be staying at her place every night but they haven't actually moved in together.

They'd decided to wait until the band returned from their first proper UK tour, where they were going to be touring with Mott the Hoople. Granted, they were the opening act but they were still on tour.

Morag sighed and shook her head, "Go get dressed and bring the young man out. I may as well meet him while I'm here."

Rebecca darted back into her room, slamming the door shut behind her which stirred Roger from his slumber.

He blearily opened one eye to see her cross the room and crawl under the covers, pulling them over her head so he couldn't see her.

"Love?" he chuckled, "What are you doing?"

"I'm hoping that I can wake up and that this is all just some awful dream."

He frowned, "I hope you're not talking about me."

"Of course not!" she almost squawked and he heard her sigh so he pulled the blankets up to see her with her eyes closed.

"Then what's wrong?"

"My mother is out there," she whispered, looking up at him, "She wants to meet you."

"She is?" he asked, "She does?"

Rebecca nodded.


"What?" she gaped, "Roger!"

"I'm not meeting your mum like this," he hissed, "Look at me, Bex. I'm not meeting her when she probably knows that I shagged you last night!"

"Roger! Keep your voice down!"

"'m not doing it," he shook his head, "I refuse."

"If you don't come out there," Rebecca whispered, leaning up to catch his bottom lip between her teeth for a brief second, which caused him to still, "Then I won't do that thing you like so much."

He stared at her with wide eyes, "You mean the...?"

She nodded.

"Jesus Christ," he murmured, falling back down onto her soft pillows, "Fine. Give me a couple of minutes."

"Thank you," she chirped, kissing him softly before she was getting up off the bed to get changed, "And make sure you put clothes on."


Roger finally emerges from the bedroom as Rebecca is pouring tea for them and she's relieved to see that he's managed to find a pair of joggers and a black shirt to slip on.

He stands awkwardly as her mum rattles on about something, only clearing his throat when he's sure that she's finished talking and Rebecca's face lights up.

"Mum," she says, practically skipping to his side, "Mum, this is Roger. Rog, this is my mum, Morag."

Roger could feel her scrutinising every inch of him; his hair, his clothes...Christ, he was wearing sandals. With socks.

But he gave her what he hoped was a charming smile, even going as far as to lean in and kiss her cheek, "It's lovely to meet you, Miss Jackson."

"It's Sinclair, actually," her mum corrected him, making Rebecca's mouth fall open, "Jackson is my ex-husband's name. I dropped it after the divorce. Surely Rebecca told you that."

Roger scratched the back of his neck, moving towards the steaming mugs that were on the worktop, "Right, of course." Rebecca hadn't told him that. "Which one of those is mine, Love?"

"The left," she murmured, "I've not added sugar."

He gave her a grateful smile and turned for the cupboard where she kept the sugar while she turned to her mum.

"So, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I was in the area for work and thought I'd come and treat you to a spot of lunch."

Morag took a sip of her tea while looking at Roger, "Will you be joining us, Richard?"

"Mum," Rebecca snapped, "Stop."

"What?" she asked innocently as if she hadn't done anything wrong, "So, what do you say? Lunch?"

So, what do you think? Lunch?"

Roger excused himself and ducked back into the bedroom as Rebecca sighed.

"I'm working at two but I guess we could go for something quick. But mum, I wish you'd rang and told me you were coming. I could have worked something out."

She waved a hand, "Nonsense. You know if I go down there and speak to Jeremy, he'll let you have the day off."

Rebecca toyed with her hands. Yeah, you guessed it, she hadn't told mum that she'd left the recording studio. The job that she got her because she knew Jeremy.

Morag noticed the change in her demeanour, "Rebecca? You are still working, aren't you?"

Turning away from her mother, she busied herself with cleaning the small number of dishes that were in the sink.


"I am working," she said quietly, "Just not with Jeremy. I'm working in a shop, Biba. Now, you said something about lunch? Let's go, yeah? I'll just grab a jacket."


this wasn't very good. i'm not happy and i'll probably go back and edit it if i remember. i probably won't though, cause my memory is shit

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