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we're number one in the roger taylor tag

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we're number one in the roger taylor tag. guuuuuuuuuuuuys!


"Ow! Jesus fuck-"

If there's one thing Rebecca would change about her boyfriend, it was how loud he was.

Most of the time, if he's got an early meeting, he tries his best to be quiet so he doesn't wake her up but this was not one of those times.

He woke up late and seeing that he had less than half an hour to get to the meeting for the release date of Sheer Heart Attack, he's darting around the flat in an attempt to get ready.

Who even has a meeting at eight in the morning and on the 31st of December. That shit should wait until after new year.

When he hits the bottom of the bed with his leg, it jostles his girlfriend awake and she lets out a quiet whine of his name as she sits up slightly to look at him through heavy eyes.

"'M sorry, love." he whispers, leaning down to kiss her forehead, "So sorry but 'm late. Again."

"You woke me up," she pouted, pulling the blankets over her head.

"I'll be gone in a minute, promise."

He knows not to mess with her sleep these days. Since leaving Biba where she mostly had early starts, he's found that his girlfriend has started enjoying more and more lie-ins.

With the money that they've been getting for the first album, he's managed to scrape just enough together to buy himself a car - not a brand new one but one that gets him around without him having to worry about buses.

He grabs his keys off the table by the door and ducks back into the bedroom to grab his jacket, peering out the window to see it's raining and so he grabs the only waterproof one he has.

"Bex?" he whispers, crouching down beside her side of the bed, "Love? That's me heading out."

There are some muffled words that he doesn't quite understand but just as he's about to leave her be, the covers lift up ever so slightly and she pops her head out.

"Kiss," she whispers, pursing her lips slightly.

He grins and leans down to give her the kiss she's waiting for, "I'll be home as soon as I can. Then we can figure out what we're wearing tonight."

"Knock 'em dead, love." Becca hums, letting the covers fall back to their original position and with one more check to make sure he's got everything he needs, Roger heads out.


"Love, I hate to rush you but you know how Freddie is if we're late."

"I know, I know. I'm just coming."

Roger sighed and looked at his watch. Freddie's New Years Eve party started at eight and they were definitely going to be late.

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now