one hundred and ten

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Rebecca doesn't think she's felt prouder of the band as she did right now.

She had been there when they'd played the tiny overcrowded pubs, watched as they struggled their way through recording and shitty contracts, seen the ups and downs that came with fame.

Everything, she feels, has been leading up to right now.

The crowd cheers loudly when Freddie plays the opening notes of Bohemian Rhapsody.

"Mama, just killed a man..."

Mary squeezes between David and Jim so she's standing beside her girls, wrapping one arm around Becca's as the four of them watch their boys giving it their all.

The transition from Bo-Rhap to Radio Ga Ga is seamless; Freddie hops to his feet and Ellie screams loudly when she recognises the notes coming from Brian and John's guitars.

"Mummy!" she grins, looking over her shoulder, "Mummy, it's my song!"

Freddie has the crowd in the palm of his hand as he directs them to wave their arms back and forth as he begins the first verse.

"I sit alone and watch your light,"

Even over their instruments and Freddie's singing, they could hear the crowd singing along loud and clear, throwing their arms up once more when he tells them to when they reach the chorus.

"Everybody! All we hear is, radio ga ga, radio goo goo-"

Ellie, Charlotte and Heather are all clapping along with them, little arms in the air as Ellie screams out the lyrics with Freddie and Rebecca is so glad that Hannah has her camera because she doesn't ever want to forget the excited looks on their children's faces as they listen to their fathers and uncles.

She can't tear her eyes from Freddie as he moves around the stage; as always, he's putting on the best damn show he can and she can't believe that just three days ago, Roger was telling her that Freddie was having trouble with his voice.

She doesn't even realise that the song is over until she hears the crashing of Roger's cymbals and she snaps out of it, cheering along with the others and as the band go about getting ready for the next song, Freddie steps up to the front of the stage, brings the mic to his lips and opens his mouth.


The response is immediate.


Rebecca has never heard anything like it.


100,000 people singing back to him.


It truly was incredible.


She thinks she'll remember this for as long as she lives.


She and Mary laugh quietly as the crowd sings that final line and they waste no time in launching into the next song.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, Hammer to Fall!"

Rebecca squeals like a teenage fangirl. Hammer to Fall is one of her favourite songs, especially when they perform it live. There's something about it that just makes her want to jump around and part of her wishes that she was in the middle of that large crowd doing just that. (a/n; Hammer to Fall is my absolute fave part of live aid. always will be.)

But she makes do with just singing along, watching the two girls in front dancing and spinning around with each other.

Roger looks in their direction a couple of times but she's not entirely sure if he can see them. He hasn't got his glasses or his sunglasses on (they're just not rock and roll enough, love) so she's going to go with that he can't see them but that doesn't stop Heather waving at him from where she's still on Jim's shoulders.

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now