thirty six

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look at the way he's looking at her


Five days before Christmas, they finally managed to find homes for all of Roger's stuff which meant that he was officially moved in.

His clothes were in the wardrobe, his aftershaves were on the vanity next to her perfumes and makeup and the picture that Hannah had taken had been given pride of place, hanging smack bang in the middle of the wall above the fireplace.

With Roger's help, she'd managed to string lights around the flat and they'd just finished building up the crappy artificial tree that she had. All they had to do now was decorate it.

"Now it's starting to feel like Christmas," Rebecca grinned from where she was stood by the record player, "Don't you think?"

Roger, who was doing his best to untangle the lights for said tree, was looking anything but cheerful, "Oh yeah. Who doesn't love being stressed, freezing cold and skint? The most wonderful time of the year indeed."

Rebecca tutted, bending down to rummage around in a box, "Save some cheer for everyone else, Scrooge."

"How does this shit even happen?" he cried, shaking the lights as if that was going to somehow magically untangle them, "How anyone finds this fun is beyond me."

She rolled her eyes and began putting her cute little ornaments on the branches, smiling when he wordlessly started on the other side once he had untangled them.

"You better do a good job, Mister Taylor," she said quietly, "Or I will take it all off and do it again."

"I had no idea that you take this so seriously," he laughed, placing a bauble on one of the higher branches for her since they'd stupidly put the tree on the coffee table before decorating it, "Wish I'd known that."

They worked quickly; listening to the radio as they put the lights on, which led to Roger jokingly covering his ears when she decided to sing along to one of the cheesiest hits to play and soon, after adding a couple more baubles and a bit of tinsel, all that was needed, was the star.

"Got it," Rebecca grinned, pulling out the large, glittering silver star, which Roger was quick to pluck from her fingers and he crouched down in front of her.

"May I give you a hand?"

She giggled and climbed onto his back, brushing his hair from the back of his neck so she could press a kiss to the warm skin, "Thank you."

He stood up to his full height and she reached up to place the star on top of the tree and once she was back on the floor, she stepped back to admire their hard work.

"Doesn't look too bad," she nodded, completely happy with it, "I'm impressed, Rog."

"Look what I found," she turned around to see Roger holding some mistletoe above his head.

"Where did you get that?" she asked, crossing her arms, "I certainly didn't have that in any of those boxes."

"I know," he grinned, "It's been in my back pocket for three days waiting for you to decorate. Now, c'mere and give me a kiss."


Four days before Christmas, Rebecca was panicking.

She had just one more gift to buy and that was Roger's and she'd drawn a complete blank.

She and Freddie had been in and out of countless shops and she was still stood empty-handed.

"Freddie, help me," she begged, "What do I get him?"

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