thirty seven

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The next morning, Rebecca was relieved to say that when she woke up, she felt almost normal. Sure, there was still a dull ache in her lower stomach but she wasn't feeling sick or like she could pass out at any time so she was taking that as a win.

Roger was still sleeping soundly beside her, his warm palm still pressed lightly against her stomach - where he'd kept it all night and she smiled softly, leaning up to kiss his cheek.

She managed to slip out without disturbing him and after grabbing a fresh set of clothes and what she needed, she made for the bathroom to have a shower and get ready for the busy day ahead.

She was surprised that when she emerged some half an hour later, Roger was up and about; pottering about with pans and hovering over the hob but she couldn't help but laugh at what he was wearing.

It was her bright pink dressing gown that Sophie had given her for her birthday last year. She doesn't even remember the last time she wore it.

Roger spun around at the sound of her laugh and gave her a dazzling smile as he put down the frying pan he was holding to come to her side.

"What is this?" she asked, tugging at the tie that was knotted at the front, giggling when he smacked her hand away, "Blimey, Rog. You've got a cracking pair of legs on you."

"Looks good, dunnit?" he gave her a twirl and she stepped closer.

"It does," she hummed, toying with the hem, "Though I am inclined to ask if you're wearing anything underneath."

"Maybe you should unwrap me and see," he whispered, inching closer to her lips but she turned her head at the last second so he got her cheek instead as she let out an excited squeal.

"It's Christmas!" she announced loudly as if she'd forgotten and Roger can't help but laugh quietly.

"It is," he murmured, gently cupping her face to make her look at him again, "Merry Christmas, love."

Rebecca almost whimpers when he pulls out of the kiss, following him like a lost puppy as he goes back to the cooker, where she can see three of their larger pots already on the hobs, "What are you doing?"

"'M getting things ready, aren't I?" he smiled, "Gonna peel the veggies and put them in these, get the chicken out closer to eating though. Cause you know, it won't take as long as a turkey since it's just a couple of breasts."

She hummed and took a seat at the table, "And what are you making Brian?"

"I'm going to make him a cranberry and lentil bake," he hummed and she let out an impressed noise.

"Sounds fancy."

Have gave her a toothy grin and moved to the fridge, "How do you feel about a bacon butty for breakfast? That was one of our traditions on Christmas when me and my sister were growing up."

Rebecca nods. She could do with something salty, "A tradition?"

"Yeah, thought that we could carry it on." he shrugged and she smiled.

"That sounds great." They were silent for a couple of minutes before she got up, "Oh, wait here! I'm gonna get your present."

"Bex," he groaned, "I told you that you didn't have to get me anything!"

"And I told you that I wouldn't listen to you!" she called back as she rummaged through the wardrobe.

She returned to the kitchen with the same excited grin on her face, carrying an exquisitely wrapped present and Roger felt his heart swell.

"Give me a minute to get yours and we'll open them together," he told her, kissing her forehead as he passed to go to the cupboard that was in the hallway. His gifts weren't as nicely wrapped but Rebecca didn't care.

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now