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i'm not gonna lie guys, i wrote the last chapter whilst a little drunk on pink gin and didn't wait until i was sober before posting it lawl

"Oh god."

John was the first of the three still on the stage to see the incident that was unfolding. 

"Brian," he nods to where Roger has picked up his pace. 

"Jesus," Brian quickly puts his guitar down on its stand, leaping down off the stage with Deaky following close behind, "Roger!" 

But he's not listening. He's almost reached them and sees that Rebecca had managed to push him off, stepping back to put some distance between them but not before her hand has met the side of his face.

Roger slides in between them, putting a firm hand on Jack's chest to get him to back off even further, "What the fuck are you doing?" 

"Roger," Rebecca tried to say but it comes out as a whisper. A whisper that he doesn't hear and when she moves to put a hand on his shoulder, John stops her and pulls her from potential harm's way. 

"Don't let them fight," she begs, gripping John's hand tightly, "Please, John."

"Stay with Soph and Mary," he says softly. 

"Come on," Mary taps her arm, "We'll wait for them outside by the van."

Rebecca reluctantly follows the two women out, looking over her shoulder before they left the pub to see that although no punches had been thrown, Roger had gotten significantly closer to Jack and they were in the middle of a heated conversation. 

"Come on," Sophie finally managed to drag her out the door. 

"I never meant for this to happen," she whispered, "I mean, Jack. I never told him I was interested in him."

"It's okay," Mary rubbed her arm, "He obviously just got the wrong idea."

Rebecca still had the keys to Roger's van in the pocket of her skirt and she dug them out, there was no sense in them standing when they could be sitting down.

"I hope he hasn't done anything stupid." she then said once she, Mary and Sophie were seated in the back of the van and Sophie sighed. 

"I wish I had two guys fighting over me," she held up her hands when the two women looked at her, "What? You have to admit, Becca, that's hot!" 

"Shut up, Sophie." her cousin muttered, crossing her arms over her chest. 

Five minutes must have passed before anyone they knew came out of the building and that person was Freddie. 

"What's happening?" Rebecca asked as she stood, moving to stand in front of the singer, "Fred, what's happening?" 

"Oh, relax," he waved a hand as the door swung open behind him, "Your darling Roger is fine. See for yourself." 

Roger was the last out, following Brian and John with the same stern expression on his face. He pulled his cigarettes from his pocket and quickly lit one up before disappearing around the corner of the pub. 

Freddie rest his hands on her shoulders, "Give him a couple of minutes." 

She does and when those few minutes have passed and everyone else has climbed into the van, she decided to go find him. 

Roger's sat at one of the tables in the beer garden; he's hunched over with his elbows digging into his knees and he looks up at the sound of footsteps, gaze softening when he sees it's her and not one of the lads, "Hi."

She doesn't speak. Instead, she moves until she's in front of him, her hands gently cradling his face so she can make him look at her. 

He watches her eyes dart across his face and can't help but laugh, "What are you doing love?" 

"I'm checking for injuries." 

He turned his head slightly to press a light kiss to her palm, "'m fine."

Happy that his handsome face is indeed fine, she stepped back and he frowned at the lack of warmth on his cheek from her touch, "Good." 

"You worrying about me?" he asked as he stood, towering over her as he tossed the forgotten cigarette onto the ground.

Rebecca took his hand and toyed with his fingers, her mouth opening to say something but she was interrupted by someone, probably Brian, hitting the horn of the van a couple of times. 

"Come on, Rog!" they then heard John yell, "You can snog her later!" 

Her face burned as Roger rolled his eyes, holding her hand properly so he could lead her back to the van, "Idiots." 

She smiled and as they came to the back of the vehicle, Roger pulled her to a halt again, "You did watch, right? The show I mean." 

"Of course I did," she nodded, "I couldn't keep my eyes off you. Well, unt-" 

"Right," he said shortly, pulling the back doors open for her.

It was silent on the ride back except for John and Brian's conversation about how they felt the show went and Rebecca couldn't help but notice that Roger still doesn't look happy. 

And she doesn't know what's wrong. 


One by one, everyone is dropped off and after saying goodnight to Sophie, Rebecca hops back into the van but this time, she sits up front with Roger. 

He's tapping a beat on the steering wheel while puts her seatbelt on, waiting until he hears the soft click before reaching across to take her hand, resting them on her thigh and she smiles, though it slips off her face when she realised that he'd missed the turnoff to take her home. 

"Um...you've missed the turn," she says quietly, not wanting to disturb the silence and he looks at her. 

"I know," he nods, "I thought maybe we could stay at my place." 


"Do you not want to?" he frowned, "Cause I can turn around." 

"It's not that, I don't have anything to sleep in."

He finally gives her the cheeky smile that she likes so much as he came to a stop at a red light and he leans in slightly, "Who says we're going to be sleeping?" 

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now