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^ me hoping Rami gets his oscar

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^ me hoping Rami gets his oscar


They land at JFK sometime in the mid-morning and Rebecca eagerly follows Brian and John off of the aircraft.

"I think I handled that quite well for my first flight," she announced when her feet were once more on solid ground, making John look at her.

"Really?" he asked, flexing his hand, "You think that was good? Please, tell that to my hand."

Giggling, she patted his arm as she walked by him to catch up with Alice, "I'm sorry."

Paul instructs them to head to baggage claim and then afterwards, they'll head to the hotel for the night and tomorrow, they'd be back in the airport to go on to Denver, Colorado which is where their first show was.

It takes a while for everyone to get their luggage but they manage to get them all and soon, they're all piling into taxis to get them to their accommodation.

Rebecca is in one with Roger and Alice and her boyfriend looks to be minutes away from passing out against the window but she nudges him to stop him falling asleep.

"What?" he muttered, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand, "How are you so awake?"

"You're joking, right?" Alice asked, "She pretty much slept the whole flight."

"Which is what you should have done," she smiled at him.

He didn't reply and went back to resting his head against the window, a quiet snore leaving him not two minutes later.

She'd just have to wake him when they got to the hotel.


It seemed that everyone else was in the same boat as Roger and once Paul had checked them in, they'd all made for their rooms to catch up on some sleep.

But Rebecca couldn't sleep. She was too excited. They were in New York for crying out loud!

They were up on the 35th floor of the hotel and when Roger got the door open, he went straight for the bed and made himself comfortable while she had her face pressed against the window, looking at the spectacular skyline.

"Rebecca, love," Roger sighs, "Come lie down, yeah?"

"I can't," she mumbled but he hears it and she turns to look at him, "I'm not tired. In fact, I might go for a walk."

"On your own?" he doesn't even open his eyes.

"Rog," she giggles, crossing the room to sit down by him, "I'm a big girl and I can look after myself. I want to see what New York has to offer.

He's too tired to argue, practically asleep but he nods ever so slightly, "'kay. Be careful."

"I will," she grins, kissing his cheek softly, "Don't sleep too long or you won't get any tonight."

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