ninety four

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Rebecca knew that thinking she was going to get a good night's sleep was too good to be true.

At first, yeah, it was all looking rather promising. For the first time in days, she'd fallen asleep within moments.

She got maybe two hours before waking with a cramp in her leg. Roger had rolled over onto his side of the bed and she couldn't help but glare at him in the darkness when he let out a quiet snore.

And he has the cheek to say that I snore.

She adjusted her pillow and started stretching out her leg until the pain went away then closed her eyes again...only to be awoken twenty minutes later by Sprout doing gymnastics.

Looking at the clock on Roger's bedside table, she saw that it had just gone past two in the morning.

"Seriously?" she whispered, rubbing at her tired eyes.

Roger, having become accustomed to her moving around, stirs and although he doesn't open his eyes, he turns over and slings a careful arm over her stomach, thumb rubbing as he tries to soothe their acrobatic child.

To her relief -and surprise-, it actually works and placing her hand on top of his, she forces herself to go back to sleep.

The third time Rebecca woke, it was thanks to an awful falling sensation that she'd felt in her dream and for a moment, she hoped that she'd slept through the night but knew that wasn't the case when she takes a glance outside.

It was still pitch black.

Groaning in frustration and once again rubbing her tired eyes, she decides that perhaps if she lies a different way, that would help her sleep and so slowly and carefully, she turns onto her right side instead of her left but suddenly, she freezes.

The sheets were wet. No, the sheets were soaking wet.


With a shaking hand, she throws the duvet off of her and in the dim moonlight, she could see that there was water all over her thighs.


"Rog?" she whispered, frantically feeling around in the darkness for him. "Roger?" she repeated, this time louder, hand coming in contact with his shoulder and too terrified to move, she swats him until finally, he started to stir.

"What is it?" he asks sleepily.

"My-I think my water broke," she said, voice shaking.

"What?" he asks again, rolling over so he was facing her.

"My water has broke," Rebecca repeats and Roger, her words clearly not registering in his sleepy mind, shuffles closer though when he comes in contact with the wet patch on the bed, he yelps and sits up.

At a speed she's never seen him move at before, he flicks on his light and looks toward her, eyes immediately being drawn to the dark patch that's on their sheets.

"Holy shit," he breathes, "Holy-okay, okay. We've gotta go."

While he's haphazardly pulling on a hoodie, some trousers and his shoes, she stays rooted to the spot, staring down at the sheets.

She isn't ready.

"Becca?" Roger asks, moving to stand at her side of the bed, "Bex, love, we've gotta go."

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now