eighty six

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oh look, it's my absolute fave gif


"Where is he?"

Roger looks up from where he's tapping on the table with his drumsticks at the sound of Hannah's voice. At first, he thinks she's looking for someone else but when he realises that she's looking for him, he starts to get nervous.

"What did you do?" Rebecca whispers from beside him and he shrugs, so she looks back to Hannah, "Han, what di-"

"You!" he points at him, "You absolute bastard!"

"I'm sure you're right," he holds his hands up, "But what did I do?"

"Charlotte said her first word today," she says and while he hears Brian suck in a breath behind him, his wife is looking for an escape route - finding none, "And do you know what it was?"

Please don't be fuck. Please don't be fuck. Please, do not let it be fuck.

"Rog," she says, voice significantly quieter and she looks as if she could start crying - which wouldn't be surprising considering that her hormones were all over the place, "It wasn't mummy or daddy, it was Rog."

"Technically, it was Wog," John says as he enters the room carrying the culprit, "But we both knew what she was going for."

"I was her first word?" he asks, looking chuffed to bits but when he meets Hannah's eyes again, it wipes from his face, "I mean, I'm sorry Hannah."

She also looks like she could strangle him but when John puts his hand on her shoulder, she takes a deep breath and walks away and Roger leans over to whisper in Rebecca's ear.

"Not my fault that I'm her favourite."

"I just think you're lucky that she didn't hear you, mate." John sits down next to him and Rebecca waves at Charlotte, who claps her hands excitedly.

"I think I get why she's upset," she says, making him look at her, "I mean, the first word is special. I'd be upset too."

"It's just a word," Roger shrugs and she gives him a look, "What?"

"I know for a fact that you're lying," she smiles when Charlotte latches onto her finger, "You'd be upset and probably sulk for days."

He looks offended, "I would not."

"I agree with Rebecca, mate. You would."

He gets a triumphant grin from his wife and rolls his eyes, taking a look around the crowded dressing room.

Tonight was the big one; Madison Square Garden and if they were feeling the nerves, none of the four were saying anything. Freddie was in the next room doing some vocal warm-ups and Brian was leaning against the wall talking to Alice.

They'd invited their families out, which means that backstage is a lot more crowded than what they're used to.

John and Roger talk quietly amongst themselves but Charlotte startles when both Rebecca and Hannah let out high pitched squeals and looking to his right, Roger sees her darting towards the door.

Mary's just arrived and as she throws her arms around her two best friends, he notices that she isn't alone. She's with a man and by the way he's holding her waist, it's obvious that they're not just friends.

Perhaps it's best that Freddie is in the next room.


Rebecca likes David. He's funny, chatty and the way he looks at Mary, it's so adorable. She sees why she likes him.

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