thirty one

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ya girl is ready for hd gifs of ben hardy

also, we've reached 50k bois. incredible. thank you 😊


"Freddie, it's not that simple."

"What's hard about it? You go into the shop and tell Linda that you're leaving to go on tour with your rockstar boyfriend's band."

Rebecca sighed while Roger watched in amusement as Freddie tried desperately to convince her to come join them on tour.

"Roger, tell him I can't."

He held up his hands, "'m not getting involved, love. Besides, I want you here more than anyone."

Her eyes narrowed, "Traitor."

"I don't think you understand just how much we need you," Freddie continued to exaggerate, "Roger truly is a nightmare to work with when he's missing you. Always moping around. Oh, and his temp-"

"Alright," Roger interrupted, "She doesn't need to know that."

"Roger has a temper?" his girlfriend asked, playing dumb, "No!"

"So," Freddie clapped his hands as Mary sat by her, "You're staying? Fabulous!"

"I never said that," she yelled as he disappeared, looking at his girlfriend, "Tell him I never said that!"

"You should though," Mary said softly.

"Mary," she sighed again, "I really can't. I...I have a flat to pay for."

"Well, we'd pay you of course," Roger mumbled, "You'd be working."

"Exactly," Freddie said, returning to the couch, "You'd be our official stylist and make-up artist."

She looked at the two of them, then at Roger, catching Brian's eye as he came out of the bathroom, "I...Brian wouldn't want me here."

"Fuck Brian," Roger mumbled, downing the last of his beer and Rebecca sighed for the third time, but this time, it was in defeat.

"What about Biba?" she asked, looking at Mary again, "Linda?"

"I'd totally just quit,"

"You would not." she snorted.

"No, you're right. I wouldn't," Mary said sadly but then she perked back up, "But you would! You should! Let me live vicariously through you!"

Roger got up, mumbling something about needing to talk to Brian and Rebecca took a large sip of her wine.

"I'll think about it."


Roger all but cornered Brian where he was standing up against the wall, silently sipping at his beer and the guitarist took one look at his face and shook his head.


Roger leant on the wall beside him, "I haven't seen her in three weeks."

"I don't care. Roger, I'm not giving up my bed."

"What's wrong with you, mate? You've been in this mood since we left Cambridge."

"I'm fine."

Roger scoffed, "You're clearly not. C'mon, Brian. Tell me wha-"

"I said I'm fine, Rog." Brian repeated, giving the drummer a glare so he would know that the conversation was over, "I need some air."

Freddie's room was the only one with a balcony. Paul, their...Brian didn't really know what to call him, always made sure to give Freddie the best rooms.

Somebody To Love (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now